SIGMA 2 (2006), 090, 9 pages cond-mat/0609571
Contribution to the Proceedings of the O'Raifeartaigh Symposium
Non-Commutative Mechanics in Mathematical & in Condensed Matter Physics
Peter A. Horváthy
Laboratoire de Mathématiques et de Physique
Théorique, Université de Tours, Parc de Grandmont, F-37200 Tours, France
Received September 25, 2006, in final form
November 27, 2006; Published online December 14, 2006
Non-commutative structures were introduced,
independently and around the same time, in mathematical and in condensed matter physics
(see Table 1).
Souriau's construction applied to the two-parameter central
extension of the planar Galilei group leads to the ''exotic''
particle, which has non-commuting position coordinates. A
Berry-phase argument applied to the Bloch electron yields in turn
a semiclassical model
that has
been used to explain the anomalous/spin/optical Hall effects.
The non-commutative parameter is momentum-dependent in this case,
and can take the form of a monopole in momentum space.
Key words:
non-commutative mechanics; semiclassical models; Hall effect.
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