SIGMA 2 (2006), 051, 26 pages math.RA/0605334
Gröbner Bases and Generation of Difference Schemes for Partial Differential Equations
Vladimir P. Gerdt a, Yuri A. Blinkov b and Vladimir V. Mozzhilkin b
a) Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,
141980 Dubna, Russia
b) Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Saratov University, 410071 Saratov, Russia
Received December 07, 2005, in final form April 24, 2006; Published online May 12, 2006
In this paper we present an algorithmic approach to the
generation of fully conservative difference schemes for linear
partial differential equations. The approach is based on
enlargement of the equations in their integral conservation law
form by extra integral relations between unknown functions and
their derivatives, and on discretization of the obtained system.
The structure of the discrete system depends on numerical
approximation methods for the integrals occurring in the enlarged
system. As a result of the discretization, a system of linear
polynomial difference equations is derived for the unknown
functions and their partial derivatives. A difference scheme is
constructed by elimination of all the partial derivatives. The
elimination can be achieved by selecting a proper elimination
ranking and by computing a Gröbner basis of the linear
difference ideal generated by the polynomials in the discrete
system. For these purposes we use the difference form of
Janet-like Gröbner bases and their implementation in Maple. As
illustration of the described methods and algorithms, we construct
a number of difference schemes for Burgers and Falkowich-Karman
equations and discuss their numerical properties.
Key words:
partial differential equations; conservative
difference schemes; difference algebra; linear difference
ideal; Gröbner basis; Janet-like basis; computer algebra;
Burgers equation; Falkowich-Karman equation.
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