SIGMA 2 (2006), 040, 11 pages math-ph/0604021
Nonclassical Approximate Symmetries of Evolution Equations with a Small Parameter
Svetlana Kordyukova
Department of Mathematics, Ufa State Aviation Technical University, 12 K. Marx Str., Ufa, 450000 Russia
Received November 30, 2005, in final form March 17, 2006; Published online April 10, 2006
We introduce a method of approximate nonclassical Lie-Bäcklund symmetries for
partial differential equations with a small parameter and discuss applications
of this method to finding of approximate solutions both
integrable and nonintegrable equations.
Key words:
nonclassical Lie-Bäcklund symmetries; approximate symmetry; conditional-invariant solution.
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