SIGMA 2 (2006), 035, 11 pages hep-th/0603140
Calogero Model(s) and Deformed Oscillators
Marijan Milekovic a, Stjepan Meljanac b
and Andjelo Samsarov b
a) Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Bijenicka c. 32, 10002 Zagreb, Croatia
b) Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Bijenicka c. 54, 10002 Zagreb, Croatia
Received November 30, 2005, in final form March 02, 2006; Published online March 17, 2006
We briefly review some recent results concerning
algebraical (oscillator) aspects of the N-body single-species
and multispecies Calogero models in one dimension. We show how
these models emerge from the matrix generalization of the
harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian. We make some comments on the
solvability of these models.
Key words:
Calogero model; deformed oscillator algebra; SN-extended Heisenberg algebra.
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