SIGMA 2 (2006), 028, 11 pages math-ph/0602065
Application of the Gel'fand Matrix Method to the Missing Label Problem in Classical Kinematical Lie Algebras
Rutwig Campoamor-Stursberg
Departamento Geometría y Topología, Fac. CC. Matemáticas U.C.M.,
Plaza de Ciencias 3, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
Received November 06, 2005, in final form February
14, 2006; Published online February 28, 2006
We briefly review a matrix based method to compute the
Casimir operators of Lie algebras, mainly certain type of
contractions of simple Lie algebras. The versatility of the method
is illustrated by constructing matrices whose characteristic
polynomials provide the invariants of the kinematical algebras in
(3+1)-dimensions. Moreover it is shown, also for kinematical
algebras, how some reductions on these matrices are useful for
determining the missing operators in the missing label problem (MLP).
Key words:
Casimir operator; characteristic polynomial; Lie algebra; missing label; kinematical group.
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