SIGMA 2 (2006), 024, 9 pages math-ph/0602050
On the Essential Spectrum of Many-Particle Pseudorelativistic Hamiltonians with Permutational Symmetry Account
Grigorii Zhislin
Radiophysical Research Institute, 25/14 Bol'shaya Pechorskaya Str.,
Nizhny Novgorod, 603950 Russia
Received October 27, 2005, in final form February 07, 2006; Published online February 20, 2006
In this paper we formulate our results on the essential spectrum
of many-particle pseudorelativistic Hamiltonians without
magnetic and external potential fields in the spaces of functions, having arbitrary type α of the permutational
symmetry. We discover location of the essential spectrum for all
α and for some cases we establish new properties of the
lower bound of this spectrum, which are useful for study of the
discrete spectrum.
Key words:
pseudorelativistic Hamiltonian; many-particle system;
permutational symmetry; essential spectrum.
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