SIGMA 2 (2006), 020, 34 pages hep-th/0602145
Duality-Symmetric Approach to General Relativity and Supergravity
Alexei J. Nurmagambetov
A.I. Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics, NSC "Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology", 1
Akademicheskaya Str., Kharkiv, 61108 Ukraine
Received October 19, 2005, in final form February 03, 2006; Published online February 15, 2006;
Some references added and typos corrected March 10, 2006
We review the application of a duality-symmetric
approach to gravity and supergravity with emphasizing benefits
and disadvantages of the formulation. Contents of these notes
includes: 1) Introduction with putting the accent on the role of
dual gravity within M-theory; 2) Dualization of gravity with a
cosmological constant in D = 3; 3) On-shell description of
dual gravity in D > 3; 4) Construction of the
duality-symmetric action for General Relativity with/without
matter fields; 5) On-shell description of dual gravity in
linearized approximation; 6) Brief summary of the paper.
Key words:
duality; gravity; supergravity.
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