SIGMA 1 (2005), 018, 15 pages nlin.SI/0511055
Ermakov's Superintegrable Toy and Nonlocal Symmetries
P.G.L. Leach a,
A. Karasu (Kalkanli) b, M.C. Nucci c and K. Andriopoulos d
a) School of Mathematical Sciences, Howard College,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 4041, Republic of South Africa
b) Department of Physics, Middle East Technical
University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey
c) Dipartimento di Mathematica e Informatica,
Università di Perugia, 06123 Perugia, Italy
d) Department of Information
and Communication Systems Engineering, University of the Aegean, Karlovassi 83 200, Greece
Received September 19, 2005, in final form November 11, 2005;
Published online November 15, 2005
We investigate the symmetry properties
of a pair of Ermakov equations. The system is superintegrable
and yet possesses only three Lie point symmetries with the algebra sl(2, R).
The number of point symmetries is insufficient and the algebra unsuitable
for the complete specification of the system.
We use the method of reduction of order to reduce the
nonlinear fourth-order system to a third-order system comprising
a linear second-order equation and a conservation law.
We obtain the representation of the complete symmetry group from this system.
Four of the required symmetries are nonlocal and the algebra is the direct
sum of a one-dimensional Abelian algebra with the semidirect sum of a
two-dimensional solvable algebra with a two-dimensional Abelian algebra.
The problem illustrates the difficulties which can arise in very elementary systems.
Our treatment demonstrates the existence of possible routes
to overcome these problems in a systematic fashion.
Key words:
Ermakov system; reduction of order; complete symmetry group.
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