SIGMA 1 (2005), 008, 17 pages math-ph/0508032
Spectra of Observables in the q-Oscillator and q-Analogue of the Fourier Transform
Anatoliy U. Klimyk
Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, 14-b Metrologichna Str., 03143 Kyiv, Ukraine
Received August 26, 2005, in final form October 19, 2005; Published online October 21, 2005
Spectra of the position and momentum operators of the
Biedenharn-Macfarlane q-oscillator (with the main relation
aa+ - qa+a = 1)
are studied when q > 1. These operators are
symmetric but not self-adjoint. They have a one-parameter family
of self-adjoint extensions. These extensions are derived
explicitly. Their spectra and eigenfunctions are given. Spectra of
different extensions do not intersect. The results show that the
creation and annihilation operators a+ and a of the
q-oscillator for q > 1 cannot determine a physical system
without further more precise definition. In order to determine a
physical system we have to choose appropriate self-adjoint
extensions of the position and momentum operators.
Key words:
Biedenharn-Macfarlane q-oscillator; position operator; momentum operator;
spectra; continuous q-1-Hermite polynomials; Fourier transform.
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