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SAT 5 (2010), 2
Surveys in Approximation Theory, 5 (2010), 92-164.
Korovkin-type Theorems and Approximation by Positive Linear Operators
Francesco Altomare
Abstract. This survey paper contains a detailed
self-contained introduction to
Korovkin-type theorems and to some of their applications concerning
the approximation of continuous functions as well as of
Lp-functions, by means of positive linear operators.
The paper also contains several new results and applications.
Moreover, the organization of the subject follows a simple and direct
approach which quickly leads both to the main results of the theory
and to some new ones.
E-print: arXiv:1009.2601
Published: 12 September 2010.
Francesco Altomare
Dipartimento di Matematica
Universitá degli Studi di Bari "A. Moro"
Campus Universitario
Via E. Orabona, 4
70125 Bari - Italia
E-mail: altomare@dm.uniba.it