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Author Guidelines
Papers submitted to Probability Surveys must be typed in LaTeX.
The authors are encouraged to use the standard LaTeX article class together with the imsart package, which allows us to capture the paper's metadata and pass it on to the PDF document's properties.
While typing, please keep all references to sections, bibliography, equations, tables, and figures linked. The links will appear as active in the published PDF.
Your contribution will be processed with the hyperref package, so please avoid using your own macros and packages that are not compatible with hyperref. The following packages are safe to use:
- amsmath
- amssymb with option psamsfonts
- amsthm (theorems)
- natbib (bibliography)
The template, sample and imsart.sty files can be found here. You will also find the BatchMRef tool there, which will help you to check and reformat – if needed – references. We recommend to use the acmtrans-ims bibliography style.
It is the author's responsibility to provide supplementary electronic files (figures, etc.), if any, so that they can be read and printed by the editors and referees. The preferred format of the graphics files is EPS.
The papers submitted to Probability Surveys are not being copy edited. It is, therefore, the author's responsibility to ensure that the paper is typed in a proper manner acceptable for publication.
When submitting the main TEX and supplementary files, note that the names of all files are changed by the system to standardized format, e.g., PS-2005-45.TEX. Old names and new ones are shown at the final submission step 5. The author will receive an e-mail message when the produced from the supplied source files PDF is ready. After that the source TEX file is moved to the “Supplementary files” section and the PDF takes the main file's place.
In order to submit the revised version of a paper, the author must download the TEX file from the “Supplementary files” section, implement necessary corrections and upload the revised TEX file to the “Revised version” section.
Submission Preparation Checklist (All items required)
• | The submission has not been previously published nor is it before another journal for consideration.
if the submission has been previously published, you have the right to submit it for possible republication in this journal (in which case, please provide details of the previous publication in the Comments to Editor section below.)
| • | The submission file is in LaTeX format (or ZIP file with two or more files compressed, where the name of ZIP file matches the name of the main TEX file).
We strongly encourage all authors to post their papers at arXiv upon submission. This gives the statistics community instant access to your paper and also establishes priority for your ideas while the paper is being reviewed. Posting the paper at arXiv is standard practice in other fields
such as math and physics and is becoming increasingly common in statistics. Instructions are at: http://arxiv.org/submit.
Copyright Notice
Probability Surveys has chosen to apply the Creative Commons Attribution License (CCAL) to all articles we publish in this journal (click here to read the full-text legal code). Under the CCAL, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their article, but authors allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy articles in Probability Surveys, so long as the original authors and source are credited. This broad license was developed to facilitate open access to, and free use of, original works of all types. Applying this standard license to your work will ensure your right to make your work freely and openly available.
Summary of the Creative Commons Attribution License
You are free:
- to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
- to make derivative works
- to make commercial use of the work
under the following condition of Attribution: others must attribute the work if displayed on the web or stored in any electronic archive by making a link back to the website of the Journal via its Digital Object Identifier (DOI), or if published in other media by acknowledging prior publication in this Journal with a precise citation including the DOI. For any further reuse or distribution, the same terms apply. Any of these conditions can be waived by permission of The Corresponding Author.
We are using the same license as the Public Library of Science (PLoS).
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. |