Virtual Exhibit Review: The Geometry of Aspiration John Macnab's Sculpture |
Emanuel Jannasch
of NNJ will enjoy the recent work of Canadian sculptor
John Macnab. Macnab's
approach to mathematics and form is rooted in the traditions
of morphology and of mystical geometry, yet his pieces are profoundly
original. This sculptural work connects to architectural theory
and practice on three levels. Immediately apparent are the thematic
parallels with the twisted columns and helical spires of architectural
history. Then, it seems, these pieces are specifically architectural
sculpture. That is to say, the way in which they engage space
and work with the viewers attention can enrich the beholder's
experience of the room, the garden, or the building complex in
which they are placed. Finally, it should not be ruled out that
in their motivation and expression, the most commanding of these
pieces might take their place among obelisks, fountains, and
towers as works of architecture proper.
The site itself is graphically clean and elegant, although
some users have mentioned minor browser glitches. Visitors should
use the largest possible browser window, and, in navigating the
site, utilize the "back" or "home" button
within the page. (Using the browser's button will remove you
from Macnab's studio and deposit you at your previous site.)
For most visitors the site will be trouble-free and the NNJ
reader in particular should look forward to the excursion. Many
themes are wound into this work.
The main
page shows Macnab in his studio surrounded by several of
the recent works. Preliminary studies include fabric-covered
lattices, but most of the pieces have been turned on a remarkable
lathe of his own contrivance, which is just visible at the left
of the photo. Some of the columns are standing vertical; some
appear to be dancing or even teetering; others are suspended
or lying prone. There is a strange balance of rectitude and drunkenness.
One is reminded of the Dionysian columns brought to the shrine
of St.Peter by Constantine: it seems the question of spirals
and of spirits is somehow intertwined.
The "info" page includes a birds-eye view of the
lathe that clearly shows how the flutes are cut, the place of
the vertical leadscrew, and the active participation of the operator.
What remains obscure is the planetary gearing of the chuck. Essentially,
the workpiece is fixed to a planet gear that revolves around
a central sun. The "annual" motion of the chuck describes
the form of the principal cone; the "daily" motion
of the chuck describes the fluting, while the apex of the cone
is defined by a fixed headstock. A handful of change gears together
with a few other simple mechanical devices control the relative
motions of sun, planet and leadscrew, and it is by reconfiguring
these mechanical linkages that Macnab obtains such extraordinary
variations of geometry. (John has put three film clips on his
site which demonstrate these dynamics, which may be reached via
the "movies" button.) The manner in which these pieces
are generated imparts both certainty and mystery to the emergent
form. Each cone records the unfolding of simple processes programmed
into the machine, much as seashells and animal horns emerge from
the growth surface of the parent animal. Paul Valèry observed
how the seashell hovers between the animate and inanimate worlds:
it seems Macnab's pieces inhabit this same realm.
simple mechanical mathematics, these pieces cannot be considered
mathematical models. They are not conceived in the abstract and
then approximated in some nondescript material or in CAD space.
They emerge from conditions orchestrated by a mind, but the emerging
results have at times surprised Macnab as much as anyone. They
are made of real material with grain and character, and in the
surface texture of these pieces we can read Macnab's struggle
with gravity, with the character of wood, with the geometry of
the cutting tooth, with friction, vibration, and entropy. Mathematics
will only ever approximate the empirical results.
CORKSCREW AND FLUTE Entering the images page we can study the
most important pieces close up. Many of them are compound spirals,
in which a conical corkscrew body is given helical/spiral flutes.
There is great variation between these pieces: some are tightly
wound vortices; others are more gentle flamelike forms. The geometric
eye will also detect that the relationship between the fluting
spiral and the body spiral varies in terms of steepness, handedness,
and point of convergence. Do such compound conic spirals have
counterparts in architecture, or for that matter in any realm
of human endeavor?
RAMP, SLOPE, AND PITCH Collectively these pieces raise an interesting
question concerning the geometry of helical spires. The Conical
Spiral Column #0 (red on green image, center of page) illustrates
a simple case, where the spiral flutes ascend the cone at a constant
rotational pitch. In other words, with every 360º turn the
flutes rise an equal vertical increment. As each turn of the
cone gets smaller and shorter, the flutes become ever steeper,
until, at circumference zero, the flutes would become vertical:
congruent with each other and with the axis of the cone. An architectural
example of this pattern is the four dragons' tails of Copenhagen's
stock exchange spire, which also steepen to verticality as they
reach their apex, though not with the same mathematical precision.
In some of Macnab's later pieces the principal helix shows
a varying rotational pitch. In some, the rotational pitch increases
as the spiral rises. This seems to lend a flame-like quality
to the work, especially where the fluting reinforces this ascension.
(HOK's RLDS Church in Independence, Missouri seems to embody
an increasing vertical pitch of this sort.) In other columns
the rotational pitch decreases, so that the windings of the flutes
stack ever more densely upon themselves as they climb. Many of
the better-known helical spirals in architecture exhibit this
reduction of pitch. This is because they are conceived as spiral
ramps. If the climbing angle of the ramp is to remain constant,
it will climb less vertical distance with every decreasing orbit
of the cone. The spire of the Stock Exchange in Copenhagen, the
great Minaret at Samarra, and most of Tatlin's towers all follow
this geometry.
 RLDS Church, Independence,
Missouri |
Stock Exchange, Copenhagen |
 Minaret at Samarra |
to the Third International |
KNOWLEDGE AND MYSTERY Macnab's work shows a remarkable level
of technical and manual ability, and the desire to challenge
that expertise and to build upon it. However, if we go to the
brief artist's statement under "about John," we are
reminded that what impels him is not only the achievement of
knowledge but also his sheer delight in the unknown. In the art
and illustration of mysticism, the spiral has been emblematic
of this sort of quest, reaching from the finite to the infinite,
from knowledge to the unknowable, from the material to the spiritual.
In its foolish aspect, this gives us the tower of Babel. In its
positive aspect it gives us initiatory and transcendent spirals.
This is what unites the Macnab's work with, for example, Borromini's
emblem of wisdom at the Sapienza.
Ignorance is a treasure of infinite price that most men
squander, when they should treasure its least fragments
Paul Valery, introducing Man and the Seashell
Jannasch studied architecture
at Cornell and the Technical University of Nova Scotia, eventually
earning an M.Arch from Dalhousie University. For many years he
made his living as a carpenter, and he first met Macnab when
they both rented workshop space in a waterfront warehouse. He
now divides his time between practice and teaching of design,
in film as well as in architecture. Inspired by the likes of
Bateson, Joseph Woodger and the Cambridge, U.S.A, circle of Philomorphs,
his own research and curatorial work focuses on the morphology
of artifact.
The correct citation for
this article is: Emanuel
Jannasch, "Virtual Exhibit Review: The Geometry of Aspiration John Macnab's Sculpture", Nexus Network Journal,
vol. 6 no. 1 (Spring 2004), http://www.nexusjournal.com/reviews_v6n1-Jannasch.html |
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