"Two plane surfaces meet, twisting themselves around a virtual elliptical border. The spontaneous elegance of this form is born from the very logic of its assembly: the torsion of the two surfaces is strictly necessary in order to accomplish their intersection." The image can evoke the formal purity of a natural object, or perhaps it suggests a fragment of visionary architecture. Our intent was that this image give a sense of a complex creative process that looks to scientific culture for a source of beauty as well as information. In recent decades, the relationship between science and architecture, design and all those disciplines that are part of the design of "useful" forms has been modified; scientific research has found new instruments and new methods for investigate the field of complexity. Not only have new paradigms of order for classifying physical forms emerged, but the very structure of the organization of complex systems such as those of living beings has been re-examined. We speak, for instance, of "emerging" forms produced by "self-organization" between their parts rather than as the fruit of a design that organizes the hierarchy of parts from the center outwards. The complex forms assumed by biological structures, by urban agglomerates or by physical, social and economic phenomena has come to be interpreted as the result of the "top-down" interaction, fruit of design intentions, or a "bottom-up" interaction that is the fruit of local intentions. More now than in the past, scientific research offers designers forms for investigation, grids for interpretation, morphological processes for experimentation, methodologies capable of indicating pathways that are very differentiated. In the design of a logo for Nexus 2006, undertaken by the visual design section of the Istituto statale d'arte di Monza which has reserved a place of privilege for the them of the relationships between art and science for many years, we wished to represent a work in progress, a flux of ideas and forms that will perhaps finally assume the concreteness of a finished product, due sheets of paper that enclose a possible world. These reflections and choices appertain to the patrimony of ideas of a school of design that belongs to a long tradition such as ours. The nature of institutional education leads us to place an accent more on great themes of elaborated through linguistics rather than on finished products. Our product is the process; our task is not so much that of producing only images or objects as much as it is that of producing educational pathways. In the exhibit "Laboratory of Models 2006", which will accompany the Nexus 2006 conference, organized in collaboration with the artistic lyceum of Busto Arsizio (as was the exhibit that accompanied Nexus 2000 in Ferrara), we propose a series of elaborate designs, projects and models on the theme of ruled surfaces, among others. This theme will be presented by a section dedicated to theoretical-operative research on the ruled globe by means of some classic models of fundamental forms, some mention of their use in architecture and an in-depth section dedicated to helical surfaces, organized in collaboration with sculptor Paolo Mazzuferi, former teacher at the ISA-Monza, who for years has dedicated himself to very interesting research on this "obscure" subject, bringing forth an extraordinary morphological variety from a system based on very few variables. Further, a section of the exhibit is dedicated to developable surfaces inspired by recent studies in computational geometry. There will also be a section dedicated to the presentation of models for studying the forms of conch shells (see our paper in the Nexus Network Journal) enriched by new models inspired by echinoids. On the them of the study of natural forms (this time abiotic) we will present some models of minimal surfaces. The exhibit itinerary unfold sequentially and coherently as much as possible, although asymmetry dominates both in the exhibit and in the opportunities for research, with the sole objective being that of making evident the connection between the poetic and the rational aspects of the narrative language of the exhibit. La
genesi del Logo per "Due superfici piane si incontrano flettendosi attorno ad un bordo virtuale di forma ellittica. La spontanea eleganza di questa forma nasce dalla logica stessa del suo assemblaggio: la torsione delle due superfici è quella strettamente necessaria al compimento della loro intersezione". L'immagine può evocare la purezza formale di un oggetto naturale o forse suggerire un frammento di architettura visionaria, nelle nostre intenzioni questa immagine dovrebbe dare il senso di un processo creativo complesso che guarda alla cultura scientifica anche come fonte di bellezza. Negli ultimi decenni, il rapporto tra le scienze matematiche e l'architettura, il design e tutte quelle discipline che trovano nella progettazione di forme "utili" il proprio orizzonte, si è ulteriormente modificato; la ricerca scientifica si è data nuovi strumenti e nuovi metodi per indagare il campo della complessità. Sono emersi non solo nuovi paradigmi di ordine per classificare il mondo delle forme fisiche ma è stata ripensata la struttura stessa dell'organizzazione di sistemi complessi quali gli esseri viventi. Si parla, ad esempio, di forma "emergente", prodotto di "auto-organizzazione" tra le parti piuttosto che come frutto di un progetto che dal centro organizza la gerarchia delle parti. La forma complessa che assumono le strutture biologiche o gli agglomerati urbani o fenomeni fisici, sociologici, economici,... viene interpretata in alcuni casi come il risultato dell'interazione tra un ordine "top-down"che discende dall'alto, frutto di un'intenzione di un progetto e uno emergente dal basso "bottom up" frutto di interazioni locali. Più che in passato la ricerca scientifica offre ai progettisti forme da indagare, reticoli per interpretare, processi morfologici da sperimentare, in sintesi metodologie in grado di indicare percorsi fortemente differenziati. Nella progettazione (a cura della sezione di visual
design) di un logo per Nexus 2006, da anni luogo privilegiato
di confronto sui temi della relazione tra arte e scienza, abbiamo
voluto rappresentare un processo in corso, un flusso di idee
e di forme che forse giungerà ad assumere la concretezza
di un'opera compiuta, due fogli di carta che racchiudono un mondo
forse possibile. |