Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
Vol. 16, 2004, 57 – 69
© A. Kuznetsov
Alexander Kuznetsov
(submitted by F. Avhadiev)
ABSTRACT. In this paper we consider a lower estimate for the ratio
of the conformal moment of a simple connected domain
Ω in the
complex plane to the moment of inertia of this domain about its
boundary. Related functionals depending on a simple connected domain
Ω and two points
w1,w2 ∈ Ω with fixed
hyperbolical distance between them are estimated. As a consequence a nontrivial lower
estimate for I(Ω)
is obtained.
2000 Mathematical Subject Classification. 30A10,30C75.
Key words and phrases. Moment of inertia of domain about its boundary,
conformal moment of domain, univalent functions.
Partially supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant
04-01-00083 and the Program ”Russian Universities”, Grant ur.04.01.040.
1. Introduction
Let Ω
be a simply connected domain on the complex plane
ℂ and
w ∈ Ω. Let
ρΩ (w) be the conformal
radius of Ω at
the point w, and
dΩ (w) be the Euclidean
distance from the point w
to the boundary ∂Ω
of the domain Ω.
Ic(Ω) = ∫
ΩρΩ2(x + iy)dxdy is the conformal
moment of Ω, and
I(∂Ω) = ∫
ΩdΩ2(x + iy)dxdy is the moment
of inertia of Ω
about ∂Ω.
This functionals were introduced by F.G. Avkhadiev [1] for solution of the classical
St. Venant problem of finding two-side estimates for the torsional rigidity
P (Ω) of the
domain Ω
by simple geometric characteristics of the domain [2, 3]. As a solution the
following inequalities
I(∂Ω) ≤ Ic(Ω) ≤ P(Ω) ≤ 4Ic(Ω) ≤ 64I(∂Ω)
| (1) |
were obtained. The first and the last inequalities in (1) is the corollary
of well-known inequalities for the ratio of the conformal radius of a
domain at a point and the distance from this point to the domain
boundary (see for e.g.[4, 5]). The first inequality in (1) is not sharp when
Ic (Ω) and
I(∂Ω) are
finite. F.G. Avkhadiev set a problem to find lower and upper sharp bounds for
the ratio
when Ic(Ω) and
I(∂Ω) are finite. Note that
I(Ω) is invariant under
linear transforms of Ω.
The first and the last inequalities in (1) imply that the region of values
I(Ω) is a
subset of [1, 16].
In this paper we give a better lower estimate for
Let w1,w2 ∈ Ω, and let a holomorphic
univalent function f(z)
maps the unit disk U = {z : ∣z∣ < 1}
onto Ω so
that f(0) = w1 and
f(r) = w2, where
r ∈ (0, 1) is a given constant.
The normalization of f
means, that the hyperbolical distance between
w1 and
w2 is
constant. Let us consider the functional
G(f,α) = ∣f′(0)∣α + ∣f′(r)∣α(1 −∣r∣2)α
dΩ(f(0))α + dΩ(f(r))α ,α > 0,
| (3) |
on the class S0 of univalent
holomorphic functions f(z),z ∈ U.
Obviously G(f,α) = G(β + γf,α),γ≠0. It is possible
to consider the functional G(f,α)
as a function of Ω
and two points w1,w2 ∈ Ω
with fixed hyperbolical distance between them. Namely,
G(f,α) = ρΩ(w1)α + ρ
dΩ(w1)α + dΩ(w2)α.
Let rα
be the unique solution of the equation
1 − 4r
(1 − r)2 + (1 − r)2α
(1 + r)2α + (1 + r)2α
(1 − r)2α min γ,θ∈ℝℜe1 − 2reiγ − r2e2iγ
(1 + reiγ)2 +
+ 2r2
1 − r2 1 − reiγ
1 + reiγ + 4reiθ
1 − r2 1 − reiγ
1 + reiγ − 4r
(1 − r)2 = 0,
on the interval (0, 1).
Then we have
Theorem 1. If r < rα,
then every function f(z)
minimizing the functional G(f,α)
on the class S0
maps U
onto an arc biangle bounded by circle arcs centered at the points f(0)
and f(r).
To improve the lower estimate of I(Ω)
we need to find the sharp bound of the functional
F(f,r,c) = ∣f′(0)∣4c + ∣f′(r)∣4(1 − r2)4
df(U)(f(0))2∣f′(0)∣2c + df(U)(f(r))2∣f′(r)∣2(1 − r2)2,
c > 0, 0 < r < 1,
| (4) |
on class S0.
We have
Proposition 1. If r < r0,
then every function f(z)
minimizing the functional F(f,r,c)
on the class S0
maps U
onto an arc biangle, bounded by circle arcs centered at the points f(0)
and f(r).
The value of r0
will be given in the proof of Proposition 1.
By fθ,d denote a
function mapping U
onto the arc biangle satisfying the following requirement: one of bounding circles
has center at the origin and unit radius, the other bounding circle has center at
the point d > 0
and θ
is the argument of the intersection point of this circle lying in
the upper half-plane. Taking into account that the functional
F (f,r,c) is
invariant under linear transforms of the complex plane, we conclude that there
are d > 0,θ ∈ [0,π] such
that F(fθ,d,r,c) = sup f∈S0F(f,r,c).
Now we can give a lower estimate for
I(Ω) in terms of
the functional F(f,r,c).
Theorem 2. For any simply connected domain
Ω, for
which Ic(Ω)
and I(∂Ω)
are finite, the estimate
I(Ω) ≥ min r1≤fθ,d−1(d)≤r0{F(fθ,d,fθ,d−1(d), 1
1 − r∗2),F(fθ,d,fθ,d−1(d), 1 − r∗2)} =
= 1.031021...
The values of r∗,r
will be given in the proof of Theorem 2.
2. Proof of theorem 1 and proposition 1
Proof of Theorem 1. It is possible to assume that
f ∈ S, where
is the class of all holomorphic univalent functions
f(z) in
U normalized
by f(0) = f′(0) − 1 = 0.
Let k(z) = z
kɛ (z) = k−1((1 − ɛ)k(z)) and
kɛ γ (z) = e−iγk
ɛ(eiγz). For
ɛ small
enough we have:
kɛγ(z) = z − ɛz1 − zeiγ
1 + zeiγ + O(ɛ2).
| (5) |
The function kɛγ(z)
maps U onto
U minus radial slit with
endpoint at − e−iγ. Note that
the slit length tends to 0
as ɛ → 0.
Assume the opposite. Then there are two open disks
D1 ,D2 ⊂ U, U ⁄⊂ D1 ∪ D2, with centers
at points 0
and f(r) and
radii d(0) and
d(f(r)) respectively.
Therefore, there are γ ∈ ℝ
and ɛ0 > 0 such
that D1,D2 ⊂ fɛ(U),
where fɛ(z) = f(kɛγ(z)), 0 ≤ ɛ ≤ ɛ
By construction d(fɛ(0)) = d(f(0)) = d(0),
and ∣fɛ′(0)∣ = (1 − ɛ)∣f′(0)∣ = (1 − ɛ).
Moreover taking into account (5), we have
fɛ(z) = f(z) − ɛf′(z)z1 − zeiγ
1 + zeiγ + O(ɛ2).
| (6) |
Using (6) and Dm ⊂ fɛ(U),m = 1, 2
we get
d(fɛ(r)) ≥ d(f(r)) − ɛf′(r)r1 − reiγ
1 + reiγ + O(ɛ2) ≥
≥ d(f(r))1 − ɛ ∣f′(r)∣
d(f(r))r1 + r
1 − r + O(ɛ2).
| (7) |
Note that
d(r) = (1 − r2)∣f′(r)∣
(1 − r2)d(f(r)),
and ∣f′(r)∣(1 − r2)
is the conformal radius of the domain. Thus
∣f′ (r)∣∕d(r) ≤ 4
d(fɛ(r)) ≥ d(f(r))1 − ɛ4r 1 + r
(1 − r2)(1 − r) + O(ɛ2) =
d(f(r))1 − ɛ 4r
(1 − r)2 + O(ɛ2).
Let p(r) = 4r
Using (6) we have
fɛ′(z) = f′(z) − ɛzf′(z)1 − zeiγ
1 + zeiγ′ + O(ɛ2).
∣fɛ′(z)∣ = ∣f′(z)∣1 − ɛℜe1 − 2zeiγ − z2e2iγ
(1 + zeiγ)2 + zf′′(z)
f′(z) 1 − zeiγ
1 + zeiγ + O(ɛ2).
Let q(r) = ℜe1−2reiγ−r2e2iγ
(1+reiγ)2 + rf′′(r)
f′(r) 1−reiγ
Taking into account (7), we obtain
G(fɛ,α) ≤ ∣f′(0)∣α(1 − αɛ) + ∣f′(r)∣α(1 −∣r∣2)α(1 − q(r)αɛ)
d(f(0))α + d(f(r))α(1 − p(r)αɛ) + O(ɛ2).
| (8) |
A = ∣f′(0)∣α,
B = (1 − r2)α∣f′(r)∣α,
C = d(f(0))α,
D = d(f(r))α.
Then inequality (8) takes the form
G(fɛ,α) ≤ A(1 − ɛα) + B(1 − q(r)αɛ)
C + D(1 − p(r)αɛ) + O(ɛ2),
G(fɛ,α) ≤ A + B
C + D −(C + D)(A + Bq(r)) − (A + B)Dp(r)
(C + D)2 αɛ + O(ɛ2).
Therefore, in order to prove that every function
f(z) minimizing
the functional G(f,α)
on class S
map U
onto an arc biangle, it is sufficient to show that
(C + D)(A + Bq(r)) − (A + B)Dp(r) > 0,
1 − p(r) + C
D + B
A(q(r) − p(r)) > 0.
| (9) |
Let us find a lower bound of C
Using the obvious inequality d(f(r)) ≤ d(f(0)) + ∣f(r)∣,
we have
D ≥ d(f(0))
d(f(0)) + ∣f(r)∣α.
Since f ∈ S,
D ≥ 1
1 + 4∣f(r)∣α.
Using the growth theorem in the class
S, we
D ≥ (1 − r)2
(1 − r)2 + 4rα = (1 − r)2α
(1 + r)2α.
By the distortion theorem for the class
(1 − r)2α
(1 + r)2α ≤ A
B ≤ (1 + r)2α
(1 − r)2α.
Tacking into account that the left part of (9) is monotonic on
A, we
conclude that the following inequalities
1 − p(r) + (1 − r)2α
(1 + r)2α + (1 − r)2α
(1 + r)2α(q(r) − p(r)) > 0
1 − p(r) + (1 − r)2α
(1 + r)2α + (1 + r)2α
(1 − r)2α(q(r) − p(r)) > 0,
imply inequality (9). Substituting into this inequality
p, q, using the estimate
for function f ∈ S (see
foe e.g. [6, p. 32])
f′(r) − 2r2
1 − r2 ≤ 4r
1 − r2
| (10) |
and the maximum principle for harmonic functions we have, that
M1(r) = 1 − 4r
(1 − r)2 + (1 − r)2α
(1 + r)2α+
+ (1 − r)2α
(1 + r)2α min γ,θ∈ℝR(r,γ,θ) − 4r
(1 − r)2 > 0,
| (11) |
M2(r) = 1 − 4r
(1 − r)2 + (1 − r)2α
(1 + r)2α+
+ (1 + r)2α
(1 − r)2α min γ,θ∈ℝR(r,γ,θ) − 4r
(1 − r)2 > 0,
| (12) |
R(r,γ,θ) = ℜe1 − 2reiγ − r2e2iγ
(1 + reiγ)2 + 2r2
1 − r2 1 − reiγ
1 + reiγ + 4reiθ
1 − r2 1 − reiγ
1 + reiγ
imply (9).
Consider the functions
P(r) = 1 − 4r
(1 − r)2
Q(r) = min γ,θ∈ℝR(r,γ,θ) − 4r
(1 − r)2.
They are monotonic on the interval
(0, 1). So
they may have only one zero on this interval. Computations show, that
P (r) equals zero at
the point 3 − 22 = 0.1715..., and
Q(r) equals zero
at the point r′ = 0.086427....
Therefore we have that the roots of equations
M1(r) = 0 and
M2(r) = 0 lie in the interval
(r′ , 1). It is easy to
see that, for r ∈ (r′, 1),
M2(r) > M1(r) and
so if inequality (12) holds, then inequality (11) holds too. Using the inequality
Q(r) < 0 and the fact that
Q(r) is decreasing on the
interval (r′, 1) we have,
that the function M2(r)
is decreasing on this interval too. Thus, we conclude that if
r < rα, where
rα is the
single root of the equation
1 − 4r
(1 − r)2 + (1 − r)2α
(1 + r)2α + (1 + r)2α
(1 − r)2α min γ,θ∈ℝR(r,γ,θ) − 4r
(1 − r)2 = 0
on the interval (0, 1),
then every function minimizing functional (3) maps
onto an arc biangle, bounded by two circle arcs centered at the points
f(0) and
f(r). Note
that rα > r′.
Proof of Proposition 1. Using the same argument as in the proof of
theorem 1 and following notation
A = c∣f′(0)∣4,
B = ∣f′(r)∣4(1 − r2)4,
C = d(f(0))2∣f′(0)∣2c,
D = d(g(r))2∣f′(r)∣2(1 − r2)2,
we have
F(fɛ,c,r) ≤ A + B
C + D −
− ɛ4(A + q(r)B)(C + D) − 2(A + B)(C + (p + q)D)
(C + D)2 + O(ɛ2),
where fɛ(z) = f(kɛγ(z)).
Thus the inequality
4(A + q(r)B)(C + D) − 2(A + B)(C + (p(r) + q(r))D) > 0
A(C + D(2 − p(r) − q(r))) + B(D(q(r) − p(r)) + C(−1 + 2q(r)))) > 0
| (13) |
implies that any function minimizing functional (4), maps
U onto an arc biangle.
Using inequalities A,B,C,D > 0
we have that inequalities
q(r) > p(r),
p(r) + q(r) < 2,
q(r) > 0.5
| (14) |
guarantee inequality (13). Substituting in (14) the functions
p(r) and
using estimate (10) and the maximum principle for harmonic functions, we
have that the following inequalities
minγ,θ∈ℝR(r,γ,θ) − 4r
(1 − r)2 > 0,
(1 − r)2 + max γ,θ∈ℝR(r,γ,θ) < 2,
minγ,θ∈ℝR(r,γ,θ) > 0.5
| (15) |
imply (13).
Functions in the left-side of (15) are monotonic on the interval
(0,1). Computations show that, the first was violated at
r01 = 0.086427..., the second
at r02 = 0.071796..., the
third at r03 = 0.071796....
thus we conclude that if
r < r0 = max{r01,r02,r03},
then every function every minimizing functional (4) maps
onto an arc biangle, bounded by circle arcs centered at the points
f(0) and
3. Proof of Theorem 2
Proof of Theorem 2. First we divide
U into two subsets
U1 , U2 and construct a
map ξ(z) : U1 → U2 such that
Jacobian of ξ(z)
equals the unity almost everywhere and the inequality
s(ξ(z),z) = z − ξ(z)
1 −z¯ξ(z) < r0,a.e.
First, we consider a disk U∗
of radius r∗
centered at the origin.
Let us consider the square s
inscribed in U∗
with sides parallel to the axes of coordinates. Let
s1 , s2,s3,s4 be the intersection
of the square s
with the first, the second, the third and the fourth quarters of the complex plane. Let
c1 , c3 be the sectors of
U∗ , cutting off the sides
of the square s, parallel
to the axis OX, and by c2,c4
sectors, cutting off the sides of the square
paralleling to the axis OY.
Let s1,s2,c1,c2 ⊂ U1,
s3 , s4,c2,c4 ⊂ U2
ξ(z) = z − r∗
2 − i r∗
2,z ∈ s1
z + r∗
2 − i r∗
2,z ∈ s2
2 z, z ∈ c1,c3.
Let us find the lower and upper sharp bounds of
s(ξ(z),z), for
z ∈ c1,c3. It is
easy to see that
s(ξ(z),z) = ∣z∣∣1 − i∣
∣1 + ∣z∣2i∣ = 2∣z∣
1 + ∣z∣4.
The function r
1+r4 increases
on the interval (0, 1)
and so we have
4 + r∗4 ≤ s(ξ(z),z) ≤ 2r∗
1 + r∗4,z ∈ c1,c3.
By construction, s(ξ(z),z) < r0a.e.,
r∗ = 1 − 1 − r0 4
r0 = 0.0507682....
Let us find the lower and upper sharp bounds of
s(ξ(z),z), for
z ∈ s1. Let
z = x + iy, then
we have
s(ξ(z),z) = r∗
1 − (x + iy)x − r∗
2 − iy − r∗
s(ξ(z),z)2 = r∗2
2 + 1 − x2 − y2 + r∗(x+y)
2 2.
Let us consider the function
q(x,y) = 1 − x2 − y2 + r∗(x + y)
2 .
When z ∈ s1, the
function q(x,y)
is nonnegative, and attains its minimal value at points
i r∗
2 + i r∗
2. Thus the
function r∗2
2 (x − y)2 is
minimal at x = y,
r∗2(x − y)2
2 + 1 − x2 − y2 + r∗(x + y)
2 2
attains minimum at the point 0,
so we have s(ξ(z),z) ≤ r∗,
for z ∈ s1.
Let find the upper sharp bound for the function
p(x,y) = r∗2(x − y)2
2 + 1 − x2 − y2 + r∗(x + y)
2 2.
Calculations show that the stationary points of
p(x,y) are
the following
22 + i r∗
r∗−4 − r∗2
22 + ir∗ + 4 − r∗2
22 ,
r∗ + 4 − r∗2
22 + ir∗−4 − r∗2
22 ,
r∗−4 + r∗2
22 + ir∗−4 + r∗2
22 ,
r∗ + 4 + r∗2
22 + ir∗ + 4 + r∗2
22 .
Note that only the first point lies in
s1 provided
r∗ = r
0−11 − 1 − r
04 = 0.0507....
The second partial derivative at the point
22 + i r∗
pxx r∗
22, r∗
22 = pyy r∗
22, r∗
22 = (16 + 24r∗2 + r∗4)
16 ,
pxy r∗
22, r∗
22 = (4 − r∗2)2
16 .
So we have
pxxpyy − pxy2 = r∗2(4 + r∗2)2
4 > 0.
Therefore the function p(x,y)
may attain its maximum only in this point or on the boundary of the square
s1 or at the point
22 + i r∗
22. Let us show that
p(x,y) attains maximum
at the point r∗
22 + i r∗
Simple calculations show that
px r∗
2,y = −2r∗1 −r∗
2 − y2 < 0,y ∈0, r∗
px(0,y) = 2r∗(1 − y2) > 0,y ∈0, r∗
pyx, r∗
2 = −2r∗1 −r∗
2 − x2 < 0,x ∈0, r∗
py(x, 0) = 2r∗(1 − x2) > 0.x ∈0, r∗
Thus we have
4 + r∗2 ≤ s(ξ(z),z) ≤ 2r∗
1 + r∗4 = r0,z ∈ s1,s2,c1,c3.
Let us consider the ring 1 > ∣z∣ > r∗.
Divide the circle ∣z∣ = r,
1 > r > r∗ into
two disjoint subsets, consisting of pairwise disjoint arc, contracting angle
and translating into each other after rotation on angle
n. Let us
find n
such that
s(ξ(z),z) = r∣1 − eiπ
n ∣
∣1 − r2eiπ
n ∣ ≤ r0,
cos π
n ≥ 2r2 − r
02(1 + r4)
2r2(1 − r02) .
n ≥ A(r,r0) = π
arccos 2r2−r02(1+r4)
2r2(1−r02) .
n = [A(r,r0)] + 1.
It is easy to check
s(z,ξ(z)) = r∣1 − eiπ
n ∣
∣1 − r2eiπ
n ∣ = r 2 − 2 cos π
1 + r4 − 2r2 cos π
[A(r,r0)]+1 ≥
r 2 − 2 cos π
1 + r4 − 2r2 cos π
Calculations show that it attains minimum on the set
[r∗ , 1) at the point
r = r∗, and minimal
value equals 0.0508335....
Thus, we have
r1 = 4r∗
4 + r∗2 = 0.0507355... ≤ s(ξ(z),z) ≤ r0 = 0.0717968....,z ∈ U1.
By construction we have that the measure of the set
{z : s(z,ξ(z)) = r0} is
Let us find the lower and upper sharp bounds for
c(z) = 1 −∣z∣2
1 −∣ξ(z)∣2
| (16) |
in z ∈ U1. By
construction we have c(z) = 1,
if z ∈ c1,c2 or
∣z∣ > r∗. Let us consider
the case of z ∈ s1.
Then it is easy to see that (16) attains minimum at the point
2 r + i2
2 r and maximum at the
point 0. So we have
that (16) lies between 1 − r∗2
and (1 − r∗2)−1.
Now we can give an improved lower estimate of (2). Let
f(z) map
U onto
Ω, then
we have
Ic(Ω) = ∫
U∣f′(z)∣4(1 −∣z∣2)2dxdy =
U1∣f′(z)∣4(1 −∣z∣2)2dxdy + ∫
U2∣f′(z)∣4(1 −∣z∣2)2dxdy =
U1∣f′(z)∣4(1 −∣z∣2)2 + ∣f′(ξ(z))∣4(1 −∣ξ(z)∣2)2dxdy.
I(∂Ω) = ∫
U∣f′(z)∣2d(f(z))2dxdy =
U1∣f′(z)∣2d(f(z))2 + ∣f′(ξ(z))∣2d(f(ξ(z)))2dxdy.
So we have that functional (2) is not greater then
∣f′(z)∣4(1 −∣z∣2)2 + ∣f′(ξ(z))∣4(1 −∣ξ(z)∣2)2
∣f′(z)∣2d(f(z))2 + ∣f′(ξ(z))∣2d(f(ξ(z)))2 .
| (17) |
Making change of variable ψ(w) = w−z
we have that (17) is equal to
∣g′(0)∣4c + ∣g′(r)∣4(1 − r2)4
d(0)2∣g′(0)∣2c + d(g(r))2∣g′(r)∣2(1 − r2)2,
| (18) |
where g(w) = f ∘ ψ(w),
r = s(ξ(z),z) and
c = (1−∣z∣2)2
r1 < r < r0,(1 − r∗2)2 ≤ (1 −∣ξ(z)∣2)2
(1 −∣z∣2)2 ≤ 1
(1 − r∗2)2,
proposition 1 and that (18) is monotonic on
c, we
I(Ω) ≥ min r1≤fθ,d−1(d)≤r0{F(fθ,d,fθ,d−1(d), 1
1 − r∗2),F(fθ,d,fθ,d−1(d), 1−r∗2)}.
Numerical calculations show that the right hand side of above inequality is not
less then 1.031021....
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E-mail address: KuznetsovAA@pisem.net
Received July 6, 2004