Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
Vol. 16, 2004, 3 – 15
© A. Bovykin
Andrey Bovykin
(submitted by Yi Zhang)
ABSTRACT. First, we study a question we encountered while
exploring order-types of models of arithmetic. We prove that if
M⊧PA is resplendent and
the lower cofinality of M \ ℕ
is uncountable then (M,<)
is expandable to a model of any consistent theory
whose set of Gödel numbers is arithmetic. This leads to the
following characterization of Scott sets closed under jump: a Scott set
X is closed under
jump if and only if X
is the set of all sets of natural numbers definable in some recursively saturated
model M⊧PA
with lcf(M \ ℕ) > ω.
The paper concludes with a generalization of theorems of Kossak, Kotlarski and
Kaye on automorphisms moving all nondefinable points: a countable model
M⊧PA is
arithmetically saturated if and only if there is an automorphism
h: M → M
moving every nondefinable point and such that for all
x ∈ M,
ℕ < x < Cl∅ \ ℕ, we
have h(x) > x.
2000 Mathematical Subject Classification. 03H15, 03C62, 08A35.
Key words and phrases. models of Peano arithmetic, linearly ordered sets,
arithmetic saturation, resplendency, automorphisms of models.
The author was supported by a grant of the Swedish Royal Academy of
Sciences to stay in Institut Mittag-Leffler and, subsequently, by a NATO-PC
Advanced Fellowship via the Scientific and Technical Research Council of
Turkey to stay in İstanbul Bilgi University.
1. Introduction
Peano Arithmetic (PA)
is the first-order theory in the language
LPA = {+,×,<, 0, 1}
consisting of the following axioms: associativity and commutativity of
+ and
×, their neutral
elements are 0
and 1
respectively, distributivity, discrete linear order axioms for
<, adding
1 gives
a successor, and the Induction Scheme:
∀y¯[ϕ(0,y¯) ∧∀x(ϕ(x,y¯) → ϕ(x + 1,y¯)) →∀xϕ(x,y¯)]
for every LPA-formula
Peano Arithmetic is an extremely powerful theory. A folklore
knowledge among logicians is that all of classical analysis, number
theory and combinatorics can be done within tiny subsystems of
Peano Arithmetic. In pre-Gödelean era it was believed that
comprises an axiomatization of the set of all “truths” about natural numbers
and finite sets.
Thus, a model of Peano Arithmetic (that is, a set with operations
+ and
× defined on it so that
the above axioms of PA
hold) resemble the natural numbers as much as any working mathematician
would hope for (all of his concrete mathematics can be conducted inside a model
of PA and
nobody would notice the difference). As usually for such theories, there are
2λ non-isomorphic
models of PA in every
infinite cardinality λ.
The structure of models of first-order Peano Arithmetic (PA) has been
extensively studied since the 1960s. Due to unclassifyability of the diverse mass
of models (even in the countable case) and the elusive nature of completions of
PA (especially the
‘true arithmetic’ Th ℕ = {ϕ∣ϕ ∈LPA,ℕ⊧ϕ}),
models of PA
are among the most difficult to deal with in the whole of model theory.
Certain classes of models were studied that could be to some extent tackled: countable
models, ϰ-like models
(for a cardinal ϰ),
models coding certain sets, realizing certain types. Among the
most important notions introduced is recursive saturation. A model
M is
recursively saturated if it realizes every type (with parameters from
whose set of Gödel numbers is recursive. Recursively saturated models
naturally occur in model theory of arithmetic. For instance, every model of
PA obtained from a
nonstandard model of PA
by an application of the arithmetized completeness theorem is recursively
A recursively saturated model of PA
is uniquely determined by its complete theory and the collection of subsets of
ℕ definable (coded)
in the model: if M⊧PA,
are two recursively saturated models of the same completions of
PA and code the
same subsets of ℕ
then M≅N.
Other notions were also introduced, isolating important subclasses
of the class of all recursively saturated models: the most important
being resplendency and arithmetic saturation. Resplendent models and
arithmetically saturated models will be the main objects we study in this
A model M is resplendent
if for every a¯ ∈ M, and any
statement ϕ(a¯) containing
additional relation symbols R1,…,Rn,
if Th(M,a¯) + ϕ(a¯) is consistent then
there are relations R1,…,Rn
on M such
that (M,R1,…,Rn)⊧ϕ(a¯).
Resplendency implies existence of many automorphisms of a model,
recursive saturation of a model and many other pleasant properties.
Resplendent models are a plentiful class of very ‘regular’ models we can deal
A model M⊧PA
is arithmetically saturated if it is recursively saturated and the class of subsets of
ℕ definable in
M is closed under jump.
Thus, more subsets of ℕ
are definable in M
than is expected from a recursively saturated model. (A recursively saturated
model is only expected to code its own complete theory, see Wilmer’s theorem
below.) In particular, an arithmetically saturated model codes the sets
Πn Th ℕ of all true
Πn -sentences
for all n ∈ ℕ.
In addition, arithmetic saturation implies more homogeneity than just recursive
saturation. Recursive saturation implies that the model is homogeneous (if
tp(a1,…,an) = tp(b1,…,bn) then there is an
automorphism h: M → M
such that for all i = 1, 2,…,n,
h(ai) = bi).
Arithmetic saturation gives us extra control over this automorphism. E.g., if
ai ⁄= bi for all
i = 1, 2,…n then
it can be ensured that this automorphism moves all nondefinable points (i.e.,
h(x) ⁄= x for
all x ⁄∈Cl∅).
Section 3 starts off with an investigation of a problem concerning
order-types of resplendent models of Peano arithmetic. The connection with
arithmetic saturation is studied in Section 4. Section 5 uses the methods
developed in Section 4 to produce a generalization of some well-known results
of Kossak, Kotlarski and Kaye.
2. Definitions
If A is a linearly
ordered set then lcf(A), the
lower cofinality of A,
is cf(A∗),
where A∗ is
A with
the order reversed.
If B ⊆ M⊧PA then
ClM(B) denotes the set
of all elements of M
definable in M with
parameters from B,
that is a ∈ClM(B) ⇔ for
some b¯ ∈ B and
some LPA-formula
M⊧ϕ(a,b¯) ∧∃!xϕ(x,b¯).
A set Y ⊆ M is definable
(with parameters b¯ ∈ M)
if for some LPA-formula
Y = {y ∈ M∣M⊧ϕ(y,b¯)}.
Definition 1. Let M⊧PA.
We define the Standard System of M
as SSy(M) = {X ⊆ ℕ∣
there is a definable (with parameters) Y ⊆ M
such that X = Y ∩ ℕ}.
We say that a subset A
of ℕ
is coded in M
if A ∈SSy(M).
Definition 2. A Scott set X
is a collection of subsets of ℕ
closed under ⋃
complement, relative recursion and such that if T ∈ X
codes an infinite finitely branching tree then there is B ∈ X,
B ⊆ T
which codes an infinite path through T.
It is known that for every M⊧PA,
SSy(M) is a
Scott set. The converse is known to hold for Scott sets of cardinalities
ω and
ω1 .
Definition 3. A model M⊧PA
is called resplendent if for every Σ11-statement
a¯∈ M,
consistent with Th(M,a¯),
we have M⊧Φ(a¯).
Definition 4. A model
is called recursively saturated if every recursive type
(that is,
{⌜ϕ(x,y¯)⌝)∣ϕ(x,y¯) ∈ p}
is recursive) is realized.
It is also known (and we shall often use this fact) that a recursively saturated model
M realizes all types
that are coded in M,
i.e. such that {⌜ϕ(x,y¯)⌝∣ϕ(x,a¯) ∈ p(x,a¯)}∈SSy(M).
Fact 1. (Kleene). Let L
be a finite language and {ϕn(x¯)}n∈ℕ
be a recursive set of formulas of L.
Then there is a Σ11-formula
such that in all infinite L-structures
M⊧∀x¯(Φ(x¯) ↔∧
It follows from Fact 1 that resplendency implies recursive saturation.
Fact 2. (Wilmers). Let X
be a countable Scott set, T ⊇PA
be a consistent theory, T ∈ X.
Then there is a countable recursively saturated M⊧T
such that SSy(M) = X.
Fact 3. ([4][7][5]). Let M⊧PA
be recursively saturated. Then the following are equivalent.
- M
is arithmetically saturated, i.e., SSy(M)
is closed under jump;
- for any f ∈ M
coding a set of pairs determining a function f : ℕ → M,
there is c ∈ M \ ℕ
such that for all n ∈ ℕ,
f(n) > ℕ ⇔ f(n) > c;
- for every a ∈ M,
is an LPA-formula
in two variables and min xθ(x,a) ⁄∈Cl∅}∈SSy(M);
- there is g ∈Aut(M)
such that g(a) ⁄= a
for every a ∈Cl∅.
3. A question about expanding order-types of resplendent models to
models of other theories
A question of H. Friedman [2] asks whether the classes of order-types of uncountable
models of T are
the same for all T ⊇PA.
Having embarked on this difficult question, I realized that probably there is
some chance of obtaining results in the case of resplendent models. For an
up-to-date account of the state of Friedman’s problem, see [1]. Among the
results is the following theorem.
Theorem 4. If M⊧PA
is resplendent and c ∈ M
codes a consistent theory T ⊇PA
then (M,<)
can be expanded to a model of T.
The theorem is proved by writing down a
Σ1 1-statement expressing
the existence of N⊧T,
and noticing that it is realized in every countable submodel of
M containing
Using a theorem by D.Richard and J.-F.Pabion [8] which says that
M⊧PA is
ω1 -saturated if
and only if (M,<) is
ω1 -saturated,
we obtain the following corollary.
Corollary 5. If M⊧PA
is resplendent and ω1-saturated
then (M,<)
can be expanded to a model of any consistent extension of PA.
The hunt for conditions weaker than
ω1 -saturation implying
expandability of (M,<)
to a model of T ⊃PA
led to the following theorem.
Theorem 6.
is resplendent and lcf(M \ ℕ) > ω
then for all n ∈ ω,
is expandable to a model of PA + Πn Th ℕ.
Proof. For any n ∈ ω,
let us introduce ΣnDef =
the set of all nonstandard definable points of M
defined by a Σn-formula.
As lcf(M \ ℕ) > ω,
there is a > ℕ
such that Σ1Def > a.
Define A1 = {⌜∀xϕ(x)⌝∣ϕ ∈ Δ0,M⊧∀x < aϕ(x)}.
Now, A1 ⊆ Π1 Th ℕ
because ℕ ≺Δ0M.
Also, Π1 Th ℕ ⊆ A1
because if for some ϕ ∈ Δ0
such that ℕ⊧∀xϕ(x)
there existed x < a¬ϕ(x)
then min x¬ϕ(x)
would be a nonstandard Σ1-definable
point less than a.
Hence, A1 = Π1 Th ℕ.
is definable, hence coded in M.
Suppose at stage n
we already know that Πn Th ℕ ∈SSy(M).
Let b ∈ M
code Πn Th ℕ.
Consider the statement
Φn(b) = ∃⊕n,⊗n,≪n, On, Sn
∀xy(x ≪ny↔x < y) ∧
“(⊕n,⊗n,≪n, On, Sn)⊧PA + Πn Th ℕ” ∧
“SSy(M,⊕n,⊗n,≪n, On, Sn) ⊆SSy(M)”.
Let us show that the last line is expressible by a Σ11-sentence.
Let ϕm(x) = (x > m)&∀z∃y∀i < x((z))i = (y)i,
where ((z))i
means (z)i
in the language {⊕n,⊗n,≪n, On, Sn}.
The set {ϕm(x)}m∈ℕ
is a recursive set of formulas, hence, by Kleene’s Theorem, there is a
Σ1 1-sentence
such that in any K⊧PA,
m∈ℕϕm(x) ↔ Θ(x)).
Then SSy(M,⊕n,⊗n,≪n, On, Sn) ⊆SSy(M)
is implied by the Σ11-sentence
Hence, Φn(b)
is a Σ11-sentence.
is consistent because, by Wilmers’ Theorem, as (PA + Πn Th ℕ) ∈SSy(M),
there is a countable model
N⊧PA + Πn Th ℕ,SSy(N) = SSy(ClM(b)).
Hence, by resplendency, Φn(b)
is already realized in M.
Denote the model (M,⊕n,⊗n,≪n, On, Sn)
by Mn.
By construction, Mn⊧PA + Πn Th ℕ,
SSy(Mn) ⊆SSy(M).
Let (ΣnDef)Mn > a > ℕ.
An+1 = {⌜∀xϕ(x)⌝∣ϕ ∈ Σn,Mn⊧∀x < aϕ(x)}.
An+1 ⊆ Πn+1 Th ℕ
because if Mn⊧∀x < aϕ(x)
but ℕ⊧∃x¬ϕ(x)
then for some k ∈ ℕ,
ℕ⊧ ¬ϕ(k),
which is a Πn-statement.
Hence, as Mn⊧Πn Th ℕ,
Πn+1 Th ℕ ⊆ An+1.
Let ℕ⊧∀xϕ(x),
where ϕ(x) ∈ Σn.
If Mn⊧∃x < a¬ϕ(x)
then c =: min x¬ϕ(x)
is a Σn-definable
point less than a.
If c ∈ ℕ
then Mn⊧¬ϕ(c),
which is a Πn-statement
not belonging to Πn Th ℕ.
Contradiction with Mn⊧Πn Th ℕ.
Hence ℕ < c < a
contradicting the assumption that (ΣnDef) > a.
Therefore Πn+1 Th ℕ = An+1,
which is coded in Mn.
As SSy(Mn) ⊆SSy(M),
Πn+1 Th ℕ
is coded also in M.
Now, by Theorem 4, (M,<)
is expandable to a model of PA + Πn Th ℕ
for every n ∈ ω.
Now, let us study a corollary. A theory
is called arithmetic if it has an axiomatization
S such that
S = {n ∈ ℕ∣ℕ⊧θ(n)} for some formula
θ(x) ∈LPA. Recursive
extensions of PA
are examples of arithmetic theories. Also, there are complete arithmetic
theories by the arithmetized completeness theorem.
Corollary 7.
For any consistent arithmetic theory T ⊇PA,
if M⊧PA
is resplendent and lcf(M \ ℕ) > ω
then there is N⊧T
such that (N,<)≅(M,<).
Since T
is arithmetic, T
is recursive in the set Πn Th ℕ
for some n.
Hence T
is coded in M.
Hence, by Theorem 4, (M,<)
is expandable to a model of T.
However there is a proof that Πn Th ℕ
is coded in M
different from the one above. Indeed, resplendency implies recursive saturation and
for any f : ℕ → M
there is a ∈ M
such that ∀n ∈ ℕ(f(n) > ℕ ⇒ f(n) > a)
because lcf(M \ ℕ) > ω.
Hence, M
is arithmetically saturated, thus, applying the machinery
of arithmetic saturation (Fact 3), we can conclude that
SSy(M) is closed under
jump, hence contains Πn Th ℕ
for all n ∈ ω.
In the next section we shall investigate whether recursive saturation and
uncountable lower cofinality give us more information about which sets are coded
in M
than just arithmetic saturation. The answer will be “No”.
We can also reformulate this question as follows. If
M is recursively
saturated and lcf(M \ ℕ) > ω
then SSy(M)
is closed under jump. Does every countable Scott set closed under jump occur
in this way? The answer will be “Yes”.
4. Do recursive saturation and uncountable lower cofinality say more about
coding than arithmetic saturation?
Lemma 8. Let M⊧PA
be recursively saturated. Then M
is arithmetically saturated if and only if for all a ∈ M
, Cl(a) \ ℕ
is bounded below in M \ ℕ.
Proof. Suppose, for all a ∈ M,
Cl(a) \ ℕ
is bounded below. Let f ∈ M
code a function whose domain contains ℕ.
For every n ∈ ℕ,
f(n) ∈Cl(f).
If b ∈ M \ ℕ
is such that Cl(f) > b
then for all n ∈ ℕ,
(f(n) > ℕ ⇔ f(n) > b).
Let M
be arithmetically saturated, c > ℕ.
The type which says: F ∈ M
codes a function F : [0,c]→M
with F(⌜θ⌝) = tθ(a)
(where θ
ranges over all formulas of LPA
with two variables and tθ
is the Skolem term defined by θ)
is recursive, hence realized. But if Cl(a) \ ℕ
is unbounded below then {F(⌜θ⌝)}∩ (M \ ℕ)
is not separated from ℕ
contradicting arithmetic saturation. □
Let E = {x ∈ M∣
there are no nonstandard definable points below
x}. If
a ∈ M \ Cl∅,
Ea = {x ∈ M∣ for all c ∈Cl∅,c < x ↔ c < a}. By Lemma
8, E ⁄= ∅ and for
any a such
that ℕ < a < Cl∅ \ ℕ,
Ea = E.
The following lemma establishes some homogeneity properties of
which will be important in the rest of this section.
Lemma 9. Let M be
recursively saturated, a ∈ M \ Cl∅.
- If p(x,b¯)
is realized by c ∈ Ea,
c > Cl(b¯) ∩ Ea
then for all x ∈ Ea
there is y > x
such that p(y,b¯).
- If p(x,b¯)
is realized by c ∈ Ea,
c < Cl(b¯) ∩ Ea
then for all x ∈ Ea
there is y < x
such that p(y,b¯).
Proof. 1. Let Aupper = {x ∈ M∣∃y ∈Cl∅,a < y < x}.
For an arbitrary e ∈ Ea,
let us find d > e
such that p(d,b¯).
Let us show that for all θ(x,b¯) ∈ p(x,b¯),M⊧θ(y,b¯)
for unboundedly-many y ∈ Ea.
Consider the two cases. If A = {x ∈ Aupper∣M⊧θ(x,b¯)}
is unbounded below then M⊧θ(y,b¯)
for unboundedly-many y ∈ Ea
by overspill. Otherwise, let k ∈Cl∅,
a < k < A.
Define g = max x < kθ(x,b¯).
We observe that g ∈Cl(b¯),
while c ≤ g < Aupper,
which is a contradiction.
Thus for any e ∈ E,
p(x,b¯) ∪{x > e}
is finitely satisfied. By recursive saturation, p(x,b¯) ∪{x > e}
is coded, hence realized.
2. Analogous proof. □
Lemma 10. Let M⊧PA
be a countable arithmetically saturated model, ℕ < e < Cl∅ \ ℕ.
Then there is an elementary embedding h : M → M
such that for all x > ℕ,
h(x) > e.
A forth-argument. Let us enumerate M
as {a1,a2,…,ai,…}i<ω
and build inductively a sequence {b1,b2,…,bi,…}i<ω
with tp(b1,…,bi) = tp(a1,…,ai)
and bi > e ⇔bi > ℕ
for all i
and define h(ai) = bi.
Suppose at stage i
we already have tp(a1,…,ai) = tp(b1,…bi),e < Cl(b1,…,bi) \ ℕ.
By Lemma 8, Cl(a1,…,ai+1) \ ℕ
is bounded below. Let c < Cl(a1,…,ai+1) \ ℕ.
By Lemma 9 (2),
p(x,a1,…,ai,c) = {θ(a1,…,ai,x)∣M⊧θ(b1,…,bi,e)}∪{x < c}
is satisfied, say, by e∗ ∈ E.
As tp(a1,…,ai,e∗) = tp(b
by recursive saturation, there is an elementary embedding (actually, an
automorphism) h: M → M
such that h(a1) = b1,…,h(ai) = bi,h(e∗) = e.
Put bi+1 = h(ai+1).
By construction, e < Cl(b1,…,bi+1).
Hence, M has an
elementary extension N ≻ M,
N≅M and there
is a ∈ N \ M such
that ℕ < a < M.
Since a union of an elementary chain of recursively saturated
models is recursively saturated, we can repeat this extension
ω1 times
to obtain the following Theorem, which was promised earlier.
Theorem 11.
Let X
be a countable Scott Set. Then X
is closed under jump if and only if there is a recursively saturated M⊧PA,
lcf(M \ ℕ) > ω,
SSy(M) = X.
The countability assumption cannot be dropped yet because for Scott sets
X with
cardX > ω1, the existence
of a model M⊧PA
such that SSy(M) = X
is still an open problem.
5. Automorphisms moving all nondefinable points
Now, as we are discussing arithmetic saturation, let us turn to automorphism
groups where arithmetic saturation has profound consequences. We shall
employ lemmas and methods of the previous section.
Fact 12. (Kaye, Kossak, Kotlarski [3]) If
is countable and arithmetically saturated then
has an automorphism which moves every nondefinable point.
Fact 13. (Kossak [6]) If M⊧Th ℕ
is countable and arithmetically saturated then there exists h ∈Aut(M)
such that for all x > ℕ,
h(x) > x,
i.e. h
moves every nonstandard point upwards.
Fact 14. (Kossak, Schmerl [7]) If M
is countable and arithmetically saturated then there is an automorphism
of M
such that for every x > Cl∅,
f(x) < x.
Notice that Fact 14 generalizes Fact 13. We are going to prove a theorem
generalizing Fact 13 in a different direction and at the same time fusing it
somehow with Fact 12.
Recall the notation E = {x ∈ M∣ there
are no nonstandard elements of Cl∅
below x}. In
general, if Th(M) ⁄= Th ℕ, there
exists no h ∈Aut(M) such
that for all x ⁄∈Cl∅,
h(x) > x.
Proof. Let a < b < e,
e ∈Cl∅ \ ℕ,h(a) = b.
Then e − a > e − b,
hence h(e − a) > h(e − b),
hence e − b > h(e − b).
But what we can expect is the following Theorem.
Theorem 15.
is countable and arithmetically saturated then there is h ∈Aut(M)
such that for all x ∈ E,
h(x) > x
and h
moves every nondefinable point.
Since in the case of Th(M) = Th ℕ,
we have E = M \ ℕ,
this Theorem generalizes Fact 13. The proof uses Kossak’s method and the
following two lemmas.
Lemma 16. (Kaye, Kotlarski) If M
is arithmetically saturated, tp(a¯) = tp(b¯)
and for any Skolem term t,
t(a¯) = t(b¯) ⇒t(a¯) ∈Cl∅
then for any c ∈ M
there is d
such that tp(a¯,c) = tp(b¯,d)
and for any Skolem term t,
t(a¯,c) = t(b¯,d) ⇒t(a¯,c) ∈Cl∅.
Notice that Fact 12 follows from Lemma 16 by a back-and-forth
Lemma 17. Let M⊧PA
be recursively saturated.
- If c < Cl(a¯) \ ℕ
then for any b
there is b′
such that tp(a¯,b) = tp(a¯,b′),
c < Cl(a¯,b′) \ ℕ.
- If c > Cl(a¯) ∩ E
then for any b
there is b′
such that tp(a¯,b) = tp(a¯,b′),
c > Cl(a¯,b′) ∩ E.
Proof. 1) By Lemma 9, (1), there is d < Cl(a¯,b)
such that tp(a¯,c) = tp(a¯,d).
By recursive saturation, there is h : M → M,h(a¯) = a¯,h(d) = c.
Denote h(b)
by b′.
As h
is elementary, tp(a¯,b) = tp(a¯,b′).
As d < Cl(a¯,b),
c < Cl(a¯,b′).
2) Similar proof. □
Proof. We shall construct a string of points {di}i∈ℤ
unbounded above and below in E
such that our future automorphism h
takes di
to di+1
which will guarantee that each point of E
moves upwards: if a ∈ (di,di+1)
then h(a) ∈ (hdi,hdi+1) = (di+1,di+2).
Also, it obviously follows that there will be no h-fixed
initial segment in E
other than sup E
and ℕ.
By Lemma 16 there are c0,c1 ∈ E
such that tp(c0) = tp(c1)
and (t(c0) = t(c1) ⇒ t(c0) ∈Cl∅),
hence, considering the type {ϕ(x)∣M⊧ϕ(c1)}∪{t(x) ⁄= t(c1)∣t(c1) ⁄∈Cl∅},
we deduce, using Lemma 9, that there are d0,d1 ∈ E
such that
tp(d0) = tp(d1),
t(d0) = t(d1) ⇒ t(d0) ∈Cl∅,
Cl(d0) ∩ E < d1,
Cl(d1) \ ℕ > d0.
Let {si}i∈ω
be an enumeration of the whole of M \ Cl∅.
By stage n
we shall already have:
a¯ = a0,…,a2n−1,
b¯ = b0,…,b2n−1,
d¯ = d−n,d−n+1,…,dn,dn+1
satisfying the following conditions:
tp(a¯,d−n,…,dn) = tp(b¯,d−n+1,…,dn+1),
d−n < Cl(b¯,d−n+1,…,dn+1) ∩ E,
dn+1 > Cl(a¯,d−n,…,dn) ∩ E,
t(a¯,d−n,…,dn) = t(b¯,d−n+1,…,dn+1) ⇒t(a¯,d−n,…,dn) ∈Cl∅.
(At stage n = 0,
and b¯
are empty.)
Let b2n = sn.
Let e < Cl(b2n,b¯,d−n,…,dn+1).
By Lemma 16 (applied to the tuples (b¯,d−n+1,…,dn+1)
and (a¯,d−n,…,dn)
and the new point d−n),
the set of formulas
p(x) = {ϕ(a¯,x,d−n,…,dn)∣M⊧ϕ(b¯,d−n,d−n+1,…,dn+1)}∪
∪{t(a¯,x,d−n,…,dn) ⁄= t(b¯,d−n,d−n+1,…,dn+1)∣
∣t(b¯,d−n,d−n+1,…,dn+1) ⁄∈Cl∅}
is realized, hence, by Lemma 9 (2), is realized by a point less than
hence, by Lemma 17 (2), is realized by a point d−n−1 < e
such that
Cl(a¯,d−n−1,…,dn) ∩ E < dn+1.
Let q(x) = {ϕ(a¯,d−n−1,…,dn,x)∣M⊧ϕ(b¯,d−n,…,dn+1,b2n}∪
∪{t(a¯,d−n−1,…,dn,x) ⁄= t(b¯,d−n,…,dn+1,b2n)∣
∣t(b¯,d−n,…,dn+1,b2n) ⁄∈Cl∅}.
By Lemma 16,
is realized, hence, by Lemma 17 (2), is realized by some point
such that
Cl(a¯,d−n−1,…,dn,a2n) ∩ E < dn+1.
By construction,
t(a¯,d−n−1,…,dn,a2n) = t(b¯,d−n,…,dn+1,b2n) ⇒
⇒ t(b¯,d−n,…,dn+1,b2n) ∈Cl∅,
i.e., every nondefinable point of
moves. Let us show that if
t(b ¯ ,d−n,…,dn+1,b2n) ∈ E
t(a¯,d−n−1,…,dn,a2n) < t(b¯,d−n,…,dn+1,b2n).
If t(b¯,d−n,…,dn+1,b2n) > dn+1
then t(a¯,d−n−1,…,dn,a2n) ∈ (dn,dn+1)
because Cl(a¯,d−n−1,…,dn,a2n) ∩ E < dn+1.
If t(b¯,d−n,…,dn+1,b2n) ∈ (di,di+1),i = −n,…,n,
then t(a¯,d−n−1,…,dn,a2n) ∈ (di−1,di).
If t(b¯,d−n,…,dn+1,b2n) < d−n
then, by construction of d−n−1,
t(b ¯ ,d−n,…,dn+1,b2n) ∈ (d−n−1,d−n),
hence t(a¯,d−n−1,…,dn,a2n) < d−n−1.
Let a2n+1 = sn.
Using Lemmas 16, 9 (1), 17 (1), we choose dn+2
such that
tp(b¯,b2n,d−n,…,dn+2) = tp(a¯,a2n,d−n−1,…,dn+1),
t(b¯,b2n,d−n,…,dn+2) = t(a¯,a2n,d−n−1,…,dn+1) ⇒
⇒ t(a¯,a2n,d−n−1,…,dn+1 ∈Cl∅,
dn+2 > Cl(a¯,a2n,a2n+1,d−n−1,…,dn+1) ∩ E,
d−n−1 < Cl(b¯,b2n,d−n,…,dn+2) ∩ E.
Now, using Lemmas 16 and 17 (1), we choose
such that
tp(b¯,b2n,b2n+1,d−n,…,dn+2) = tp(a¯,a2n,a2n+1,d−n−1,…,dn+1),
t(b¯,b2n,b2n+1,d−n,…,dn+2) = t(a¯,a2n,a2n+1,d−n−1,…,dn+1) ⇒
⇒ t(a¯,a2n,a2n+1,d−n−1,…,dn+1) ∈Cl∅,
and d−n−1 < Cl(b¯,b2n,b2n+1,d−n,…,dn+2).
Having obtained the points ai,
for all i ∈ ω,
we observe that h: M → M
defined as h(ai) = bi
for all i ∈ ω
is an elementary isomorphism possessing the required properties. □
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E-mail address: andrey@logic.pdmi.ras.ru
Received January 16, 2004; Revised version May 14, 2004