Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
Volume III
Yoshio Agaoka
On the variety of 3-dimensional Lie algebras
Boris Doubrov and Boris Komrakov
Classification of homogeneous submanifolds in homogeneous spaces
Boris Doubrov and Boris Komrakov and
Tohru Morimoto
Equivalence of holonomic differential equations
Atsushi Fujioka and Junichi Inoguchi
On some generalisations of constant mean curvature surfaces
Mark Graev
Intermediate inversion formulas in integral geometry
Go-o Ishikawa
Developable hypersurfaces and homogeneous spaces in a real projective
I.S. Krasil'shchik
Cohomological approach to Poisson structures on nonlinear evolution
Olga Kuzmich
Graded nilpotent Lie algebras in low dimensions
Yoshinori Machida and Tohru Morimoto
On decomposable Monge-Ampere equations
Mikhail A. Malakhaltsev
The Lie derivative and cohomology of $G$-structures
Kentaro Mikami
Nambu-Poisson structures and their foliations
Reiko Miyaoka
Hypersurface geometry and Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type
V.F. Molchanov
Representations of pseudo-unitary groups associated with a cone
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