- The journal is devoted to
papers dealing with integer sequences and related topics.
All submissions should be sent to the editor-in-chief,
Jeffrey O. Shallit

School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Electronic submission is required.
Please submit your paper in LaTeX format.
No other formats
are currently acceptable. Do NOT send pdf or dvi files.
If there are accompanying
style files or diagrams, please be sure to include them. Diagrams should
be prepared in .ps (postscript) or .eps
format, not pdf or other formats. The subject
line of your email message should read "Submission to the Journal of
Integer Sequences". (Any other header is in danger of being discarded
by a spam filter.) If there are multiple files, please consider sending them
as a Unix tar file. Be sure that your submission latex'es properly with
no errors or warning messages.
We regret that we cannot handle submissions in Microsoft Word or
Word Perfect formats. Submissions must be in English.
- In preparing your paper, please follow the guidelines in our
LaTeX style guide:
- Editorial board:
Jean-Paul Allouche (CNRS, LRI, Paris)
Henry W. Gould (West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, WV USA),
Ian P. Goulden (University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada),
Richard K. Guy (Univ. Calgary, Calgary, AB Canada),
Jeffrey C. Lagarias (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI USA),
Simon Plouffe
(Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, PQ Canada),
Eric M. Rains (University of California, Davis, CA USA),
Jeffrey O. Shallit, Editor-in-Chief (Univ. Waterloo, Waterloo, ON Canada),
Neil J. A. Sloane, Founding Editor, (AT&T Shannon Lab, Florham Park, NJ USA),
Richard P. Stanley (M.I.T., Cambridge, MA USA).
- Papers should be original, of high quality,
and should not have been published in any other journal.
(However, publication on web sites or e-print servers
is explicitly allowed.)
All submissions will be refereed.
The standards are those of any serious mathematical journal.
Papers should be worthy of being reviewed by
Mathematical Reviews.
- Copyright Statement
Authors agree that by publishing in the Journal of Integer Sequences,
they have created an original paper which shall not be published in the same,
or substantially the same, form in any other journal without
acknowledging prior publication in the Journal.
By publishing a paper in the Journal, authors grant the Journal
a perpetual, royalty-free license to publish this paper
in any collection of Journal papers in any form.
Authors retain the copyright of their submitted papers.
Current Volumes
Backlog information for Volume 12, 2009:
Median time from submission to final decision: 100 days
Median time from final acceptance to publication: 4 days
See also the
On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences