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Volume 30
[66 articles]
A measure of graph vulnerability: Scattering number
, Alpay Kirlangiç
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 1, Pages 1-8
The equivalence between the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formulations for the parametrization-invariant theories
, S.I. Muslih
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 1, Pages 9-14
On the geometry of free loop spaces
, P. Manoharan
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 1, Pages 15-23
Boundedness and monotonicity of principal eigenvalues for boundary value problems with indefinite weight functions
, G.A. Afrouzi
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 1, Pages 25-29
matrix of linear functionals of
, W.T. Sulaiman
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 1, Pages 31-37
Cohomology of the variational complex in the class of exterior forms of finite jet order
, Gennadi Sardanashvily
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 1, Pages 39-47
Doubt fuzzy BCI-algebras
, Jianming Zhan, Zhisong Tan
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 1, Pages 49-56
Monotone-iterative technique of Lakshmikantham for the initial value problem for a differential equation with a step function
, S.G. Hristova, M.A. Rangelova
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 1, Pages 57-64
Periodicity in distribution. I: Discrete systems
, A. Ya. Dorogovtsev
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 2, Pages 65-127
Singularly perturbed Volterra integral equations with weakly singular kernels
, Angelina Bijura
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 3, Pages 129-143
Characterizing symmetric diametrical graphs of order
and diameter
, S. Al-Addasi, H. Al-Ezeh
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 3, Pages 145-149
Generalized transversely projective structure on a transversely holomorphic foliation
, Indranil Biswas
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 3, Pages 151-163
Intermediate values and inverse functions on non-Archimedean fields
, Khodr Shamseddine, Martin Berz
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 3, Pages 165-176
On a subclass of
-spiral functions
, F.M. Al-Oboudi, M.M. Hidan
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 3, Pages 177-183
On some trigonometric power sums
, Hongwei Chen
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 3, Pages 185-191
Unsteady flow induced by variable suction on a porous disk rotating eccentrically with a fluid at infinity
, A.K. Ghosh, S. Paul, Lokenath Debnath
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 4, Pages 193-201
Separable functors in corings
, J. Gómez-Torrecillas
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 4, Pages 203-225
Contractive curves
, Araceli Bonifant, Marius Dabija
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 4, Pages 227-238
Classification of reduction invariants with improved backpropagation
, S.M. Shamsuddin, M. Darus, M.N. Sulaiman
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 4, Pages 239-247
Null distribution of multiple correlation coefficient under mixture normal model
, Hydar Ali, Daya K. Nagar
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 4, Pages 249-255
A higher-order method for nonlinear singular two-point boundary value problems
, K.M. Furati, M.A. El-Gebeily
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 5, Pages 257-269
Generalized Beltrami flows and other closed-form solutions of an unsteady viscoelastic fluid
, F. Labropulu
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 5, Pages 271-282
Steady vortex flows obtained from a constrained variational problem
, B. Emamizadeh, M.H. Mehrabi
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 5, Pages 283-300
On the finite Fourier transforms of functions with infinite discontinuities
, Branko Saric
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 5, Pages 301-317
Some results on fixed point theorems for multivalued mappings in complete metric spaces
, Jeong Sheok Ume, Byung Soo Lee, Sung Jin Cho
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 6, Pages 319-325
Initial-boundary value problem with a nonlocal condition for a viscosity equation
, Abdelfatah Bouziani
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 6, Pages 327-338
Moment Lyapunov exponent of delay differential equations
, M.S. Fofana
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 6, Pages 339-351
Duality of measure and category in infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space
, Gogi Pantsulaia
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 6, Pages 353-363
On the sine integral and the convolution
, Brian Fisher, Fatma Al-Sirehy
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 6, Pages 365-375
On the irregularity of the distribution of the sums of pairs of odd primes
, George Giordano
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 6, Pages 377-381
-dual of vector-valued sequence spaces of Maddox
, Suthep Suantai, Winate Sanhan
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 7, Pages 383-392
Strongly exposed points in the unit ball of trace-class operators
, Kourosh Nourouzi
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 7, Pages 393-397
The averaging of nonlocal Hamiltonian structures in Whitham's method
, Andrei Ya. Maltsev
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 7, Pages 399-434
On the solvability of a class of singular parabolic equations with nonlocal boundary conditions in nonclassical function spaces
, Abdelfatah Bouziani
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 7, Pages 435-447
On weighted spaces without a fundamental sequence of bounded sets
, J.O. Olaleru
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 8, Pages 449-457
Adjoint regular rings
, Henry E. Heatherly, Ralph P. Tucci
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 8, Pages 459-466
A generalized beta function and associated probability density
, Y. Ben Nakhi, S.L. Kalla
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 8, Pages 467-478
On the existence of bounded solutions of nonlinear elliptic systems
, Abdelaziz Ahammou
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 8, Pages 479-490
Note on decipherability of three-word codes
, F. Blanchet-Sadri, T. Howell
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 8, Pages 491-504
On the relation between Moore's and Penrose's conditions
, Gaoxiong Gan
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 8, Pages 505-509
Some theorems of random operator equations
, Chuanxi Zhu, Zongben Xu
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 9, Pages 511-514
On new generalizations of Hardy's integral inequalities
, Zhongxue Lü, Hongzheng Xie
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 9, Pages 515-520
On numerically effective log canonical divisors
, Shigetaka Fukuda
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 9, Pages 521-531
Hardy-Littlewood type inequalities for Laguerre series
, Chin-Cheng Lin, Shu-Huey Lin
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 9, Pages 533-540
Global geometric structures associated with dynamical systems admitting normal shift of hypersurfaces in Riemannian manifolds
, Ruslan A. Sharipov
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 9, Pages 541-557
On the concept of optimality interval
, Lluís Bibiloni, Pelegrí Viader, Jaume Paradís
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 9, Pages 559-567
Certain integral operator and strongly starlike functions
, Jin-Lin Liu
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 9, Pages 569-574
Exceptional smooth Bol loops
, Larissa V. Sbitneva
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 9, Pages 575-579
Normal Lie subsupergroups and non-abelian supercircles
, P. Baguis, T. Stavracou
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 10, Pages 581-591
Completely generalized multivalued nonlinear quasi-variational inclusions
, Zeqing Liu, Lokenath Debnath, Shin Min Kang, Jeong Sheok Ume
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 10, Pages 593-604
Common fixed point theorems for a weak distance in complete metric spaces
, Jeong Sheok Ume, Sucheol Yi
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 10, Pages 605-611
Mappings of terminal continua
, Janusz J. Charatonik
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 10, Pages 613-620
The union problem on complex manifolds
, Patrick W. Darko
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 10, Pages 621-625
Coincidences and fixed points of reciprocally continuous and compatible hybrid maps
, S.L. Singh, S.N. Mishra
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 10, Pages 627-635
Rate preservation of double sequences under
type transformation
, Richard F. Patterson
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 10, Pages 637-643
Integrability and
-convergence of Rees-Stanojević sums with generalized semiconvex coefficients
, Kulwinder Kaur, S.S. Bhatia
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 11, Pages 645-650
On generalized fuzzy strongly semiclosed sets in fuzzy topological spaces
, Oya Bedre Ozbakir
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 11, Pages 651-657
On Matlis dualizing modules
, Edgar E. Enochs, J.A. López-Ramos, B. Torrecillas
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 11, Pages 659-665
The de Rham theorem for the noncommutative complex of Cenkl and Porter
, Luis Fernando Mejias
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 11, Pages 667-696
Estimates for the norms of solutions of delay difference systems
, Rigoberto Medina
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 11, Pages 697-703
Continuous and
estimates for the complex Monge-Ampère equation on bounded domains in
, Patrick W. Darko
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 11, Pages 705-707
Harmonicity of horizontally conformal maps and spectrum of the Laplacian
, Gabjin Yun
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 12, Pages 709-715
Cut points in abcohesive, aposyndetic, and semi-locally connected spaces
, David A. John, Shing S. So
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 12, Pages 717-725
Equivalence results for discrete Abel means
, Jeffrey A. Osikiewicz
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 12, Pages 727-731
Geometry without topology as a new conception of geometry
, Yuri A. Rylov
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 12, Pages 733-760
On composition of formal power series
, Xiao-Xiong Gan, Nathaniel Knox
Volume 30 (2002), Issue 12, Pages 761-770