T. Kandelaki
The aim of the paper is to give, according to Karoubi-Villamayor K-groups,
an interpretation of Kasparov KK-groups. It continues the study of KK-theory
by the methods of K-theory, focusing attention on the problem posed and
discussed in the author's papers published in 2000 and 2001. But the methods
used in those papers are based on the excision property and Morita invariance of
algebraic and topological K-theories on the category of C*-algebras,
which are not applicable to Karoubi-Villamayor K-theory, since excision
holds only for some sub class of short exact sequences of C*-algebras. In
this paper we introduce and study a weak stability property of the C*-category
Rep(A,B), which is the key to our problem.
Karoubi-Villamayor K-theory of C*-categories, Kasparov KK-theory.
MSC 2000: 19K35, 19D25, 46L80,46L99.