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Mating quadratic maps with Kleinian groups via
quasiconformal surgery
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Mating quadratic maps with Kleinian groups via
quasiconformal surgery
S. R. Bullett and W. J. Harvey
Let $q:\hat{\mathbb C} \to \hat{\mathbb C}$ be any quadratic
polynomial and $r:C_2*C_3 \to PSL(2,{\mathbb C})$ be any faithful
discrete representation of the free product of finite cyclic
groups $C_2$ and $C_3$ (of orders $2$ and $3$) having connected
regular set. We show how the actions of $q$ and $r$ can be
combined, using quasiconformal surgery, to construct a $2:2$
holomorphic correspondence $z \to w$, defined by an algebraic
relation $p(z,w)=0$.
Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society
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Article Info
- ERA Amer. Math. Soc. 06 (2000), pp. 21-30
- Publisher Identifier: S 1079-6762(00)00076-7
- 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 37F05; Secondary 30D05, 30F40, 37F30
- Key words and phrases. Holomorphic dynamics, quadratic maps, Kleinian groups, quasiconformal surgery, holomorphic correspondences
- Received by the editors December 22, 1999
- Posted on March 28, 2000
- Communicated by Svetlana Katok
- Comments (When Available)
S. R. Bullett
School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary and Westfield
College, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS,
United Kingdom
E-mail address:
W. J. Harvey
Department of Mathematics, King's College, University of London,
Strand, London WC2R 2LS, United Kingdom
E-mail address:
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