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v*a+ 4*v*g+ 3*v*c+v*e+ 4*v*w-3*v*s+ 4*v*b+ 5*t*a+ 4*t*g+ 5*t*c+t*e+ 3*t*u+ 5*t*w+ 3*t*b+ 4*a*x+ 2*a*f+ 2*a*d+ 4*a*h+ 4*a*y+ 4*a*z+ 2*x*g+ 3*x*c+ 2*x*e -4*x*u-5*x*s+ 4*x*b-3*g*f-2*g*d+ 3*g*y+ 5*g*z+c*f+ 2*c*h+ 5*c*y+c*z-e*d+ 3*e *h+ 2*e*y+ 2*e*z-f*u-2*f*w-f*s+ 5*f*b-3*u*d-4*u*h+u*y+ 5*u*z-3*w*d-2*w*h+ 5 *w*y+ 3*w*z-5*d*s+ 5*d*b-4*h*s+h*b+ 4*y*s+ 5*y*b+ 2*z*s+ 4*z*b+ 2*v+ 3*t+ 5 *a+ 3*x-g-5*c-5*e+ 3*f-4*u-4*w+d+ 2*h+ 5*y+ 4*z-3*s+ 2; 2*v*a+ 3*v*g+ 5*v*c+ 5*v*e+v*w-2*v*s+ 4*v*b+ 4*t*a+ 4*t*g+ 5*t*c+t*e+ 2*t *u+ 5*t*w+ 3*t*b+ 3*a*x+ 3*a*f+a*d+ 3*a*h+a*y+ 5*a*z+ 5*x*g+ 4*x*c+ 4*x*e-x *u-5*x*s+ 4*x*b-3*g*f-g*d+ 4*g*y+ 3*g*z+ 5*c*f+c*h+ 5*c*y+ 3*c*z-5*e*d+ 3*e *h+e*y+e*z-5*f*u-4*f*w-f*s+ 3*f*b-5*u*d-3*u*h+ 3*u*y+ 4*u*z-4*w*d-5*w*h+ 3* w*y+w*z-5*d*s+ 4*d*b-4*h*s+ 4*h*b+y*s+y*b+ 4*z*s+ 4*z*b+ 4*v+ 3*t+ 3*a+ 2*x -4*g-4*c-3*e+ 2*f-4*u-4*w+ 3*d+ 5*h+y+ 3*z-3*s+ 2; 5*v*a+ 5*v*g+v*c+ 3*v*e+ 2*v*w-2*v*s+ 4*v*b+ 4*t*a+ 4*t*g+ 4*t*c+t*e+ 2*t *u+ 4*t*w+ 3*t*b+ 2*a*x+ 5*a*f+ 5*a*d+ 3*a*h+ 5*a*y+ 5*a*z+ 5*x*g+ 2*x*c+ 4 *x*e-2*x*u-4*x*s+ 4*x*b-2*g*f-2*g*d+ 2*g*y+ 5*g*z+ 5*c*f+ 2*c*h+ 3*c*y+c*z -5*e*d+ 2*e*h+ 2*e*y+ 2*e*z-3*f*u-4*f*w-f*s+ 2*f*b-u*d-5*u*h+ 2*u*y+u*z-2*w* d-5*w*h+w*y+ 2*w*z-4*d*s+ 4*d*b-4*h*s+h*b+ 3*y*s+ 3*y*b+ 4*z*s+ 2*z*b+v+t+a + 4*x-g-4*c-2*e+f-4*u-4*w+ 5*d+ 4*h+ 3*y+ 4*z-3*s+ 4; 2*v*a+ 3*v*g+v*c+ 3*v*e+ 4*v*w-4*v*s+ 3*v*b+ 4*t*a+ 3*t*g+ 5*t*c+ 3*t*e+ 4*t*u+ 3*t*w+t*b+a*x+a*f+ 4*a*d+ 2*a*h+ 3*a*y+ 2*a*z+ 5*x*g+ 5*x*c+ 4*x*e-4 *x*u-3*x*s+x*b-4*g*f-2*g*d+ 4*g*y+ 4*g*z+ 2*c*f+ 2*c*h+ 2*c*y+c*z-2*e*d+ 4* e*h+e*y+ 4*e*z-3*f*u-4*f*w-3*f*s+ 5*f*b-u*d-3*u*h+ 4*u*y+u*z-5*w*d-5*w*h+ 4 *w*y+w*z-5*d*s+ 4*d*b-3*h*s+ 4*h*b+ 5*y*s+ 3*y*b+ 5*z*s+ 5*z*b+ 3*v+ 3*t+ 4 *a+ 5*x-4*g-4*c-5*e+ 4*f-3*u-w+ 2*d+h+ 2*y+ 2*z-s+ 3; 2*v*a+v*g+ 5*v*c+ 3*v*e+ 2*v*w-2*v*s+v*b+ 5*t*a+ 3*t*g+t*c+ 4*t*e+ 2*t*u+ t*w+ 3*t*b+ 5*a*x+ 4*a*f+ 3*a*d+ 2*a*h+ 4*a*y+ 3*a*z+ 3*x*g+ 5*x*c+ 4*x*e-2 *x*u-x*s+ 3*x*b-5*g*f-4*g*d+g*y+ 4*g*z+ 3*c*f+ 4*c*h+ 2*c*y+c*z-3*e*d+ 5*e* h+ 4*e*y+ 4*e*z-3*f*u-4*f*w-4*f*s+ 5*f*b-5*u*d-u*h+ 5*u*y+ 3*u*z-5*w*d-3*w* h+ 2*w*y+ 5*w*z-d*s+ 3*d*b-3*h*s+ 2*h*b+ 5*y*s+ 4*y*b+ 3*z*s+z*b+ 2*v+ 2*t+ 4*a+ 5*x-2*g-3*c-5*e+ 2*f-u-3*w+ 3*d+ 5*h+ 3*y+ 4*z-3*s+ 2; v*a+ 2*v*g+ 5*v*c+ 5*v*e+ 3*v*w-5*v*s+ 4*v*b+t*a+ 5*t*g+ 4*t*c+ 5*t*e+ 5*t *u+t*w+ 4*t*b+ 3*a*x+ 4*a*f+ 5*a*d+ 2*a*h+ 3*a*y+ 4*a*z+ 3*x*g+ 4*x*c+ 3*x* e-3*x*u-x*s+ 4*x*b-3*g*f-2*g*d+ 4*g*y+ 4*g*z+c*f+ 2*c*h+c*y+ 2*c*z-e*d+ 3*e *h+ 5*e*y+ 5*e*z-5*f*u-3*f*w-5*f*s+f*b-5*u*d-2*u*h+ 2*u*y+ 2*u*z-4*w*d-3*w* h+ 4*w*y+ 5*w*z-4*d*s+d*b-5*h*s+h*b+ 2*y*s+ 5*y*b+ 4*z*s+z*b+ 4*v+ 4*t+ 5*a + 2*x-g-c-e+ 4*f-4*u-4*w+ 2*d+h+ 5*y+ 2*z-4*s+ 3; 2*v*a+ 3*v*g+ 3*v*c+ 3*v*e+ 2*v*w-3*v*s+ 4*v*b+ 4*t*a+t*g+ 4*t*c+ 2*t*e+ 3*t*u+t*w+ 2*t*b+ 2*a*x+ 2*a*f+ 3*a*d+ 3*a*h+ 5*a*y+a*z+x*g+ 3*x*c+ 2*x*e-2 *x*u-x*s+x*b-2*g*f-2*g*d+ 5*g*y+ 3*g*z+c*f+ 2*c*h+ 2*c*y+ 5*c*z-e*d+ 2*e*h+ 3*e*y+ 2*e*z-3*f*u-2*f*w-2*f*s+ 2*f*b-3*u*d-3*u*h+ 4*u*y+ 4*u*z-3*w*d-w*h+w *y+ 5*w*z-4*d*s+ 5*d*b-h*s+ 2*h*b+ 4*y*s+ 2*y*b+ 2*z*s+ 5*z*b+ 2*v+ 3*t+ 3* a+ 4*x-2*g-5*c-2*e+ 2*f-4*u-w+ 3*d+ 2*h+ 5*y+ 5*z-2*s+ 1; DYNAMIC LIFTING CREATION OF THE TRIANGULATION : TIMING INFORMATION for computing the triangulation The elapsed time in seconds was 415.980000000 = 0h 6m55s980ms User time in seconds was 415.610000000 = 0h 6m55s610ms System CPU time in seconds was 0.370000000 = 0h 0m 0s370ms Non-I/O page faults was 4251 I/O page faults was 7 Signals delivered was 0 Swaps was 0 Total context switches was 0 THE TRIANGULATION : Dimension without lifting : 16 Number of simplices : 12863 The volume : 12863 TIMING INFORMATION for computing the volume The elapsed time in seconds was 49.000000000 = 0h 0m49s 0ms User time in seconds was 48.670000000 = 0h 0m48s670ms System CPU time in seconds was 0.330000000 = 0h 0m 0s330ms Non-I/O page faults was 0 I/O page faults was 0 Signals delivered was 0 Swaps was 0 Total context switches was 0 -rw-r--r-- 1 sottile 500 9643646 Oct 21 08:02 O92