Manuscripts can be submitted by electronic mail in the form of one LaTeX file along with optional PostScript files for figures and/or an optional .bbl file for the bibliography. The final version of the LaTeX file must be in ELA style. For instructions on how to prepare manuscripts for ELA see the page preparing a manuscript for submission.
To submit a manuscript to ELA using electronic mail, send the information about the author(s) and the files pertaining to the article to If the manuscript contains PostScript illustrations, it will be necessary to send each illustration in a separate file. The subject of the electronic message containing the file must be the name of the file. For instance, the subject of the LaTeX portion of a submitted manuscript might be "manuscript.tex". If a PostScript illustration is referenced in the manuscript as "", then that file must be sent electronically with the subject "".
Once a manuscript is received, it is assigned to an editor who sends the manuscript for refereeing. Questions regarding the status of the manuscript can be sent to After acceptance, the corresponding author is required to send a signed copyright agreement. The signed agreement should be faxed to Michael Tsatsomeros at +1-509-335-1188. If fax does not work, please air-mail the copyright transfer agreement to Professor Michael Tsatsomeros, Mathematics Department, P.O. Box 643113, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, 99164-3113, U.S.A. Posting of articles is immediate following the copy-editing process and the corresponding author's approval of the proofs.