ELA, Volume 3, pp. 31-47, April 1998, abstract. Shapes and Computer Generation of Numerical Ranges of Krein Space Operators Chi-Kwong Li and Leiba Rodman Let (K,<.,.>) be a Hilbert space equipped with an indefinite inner product [.,.]. Then (K,[.,.]) is a (complex) Krein space. One can define the Krein space numerical range of an operator A acting on K as the collection of complex numbers of the form [Av,v] with v in K satisfying [v,v] = 1. In this paper, the shapes of Krein space numerical ranges of operators in the complex plane using the joint numerical range of self-adjoint operators on (K,<.,.>) are studied. Krein space numerical ranges of operators acting on a two-dimensional space are fully described. A Matlab program is developed to generate the sets in the finite dimensional case.