ELA, Volume 16, pp. 315-324, October 2007, abstract. A Relation Between the Multiplicity of the Second Eigenvalue of a Graph Laplacian, Courant's Nodal Line Theorem and the Substantial Dimension of Tight Polyhedral Surfaces Tsvi Tlusty A relation between the multiplicity m of the second eigenvalue lambda_2 of a Laplacian on a graph G, tight mappings of G and a discrete analogue of Courant's nodal line theorem is discussed. For a certain class of graphs, it is shown that the m-dimensional eigenspace of lambda_2 is tight and thus defines a tight mapping of G into an m-dimensional Euclidean space. The tightness of the mapping is shown to set Colin de Verdiere's upper bound on the maximal lambda_2-multiplicity, m <= chr[gamma(G)]-1, where chr[gamma(G)] is the chromatic number and gamma(G) is the genus of G.