ELA, Volume 10, pp. 320-340, December 2003, abstract. An Algorithm that Carries a Square Matrix Into Its Transpose By an Involutory Congruence Transformation by D.Z. Djokovic, F. Szechtman and K. Zhao For any matrix X let X' denote its transpose. It is known that if A is an n-by-n matrix over a field F, then A and A' are congruent over F, i.e., XAX'=A' for some X in GL_n(F). Moreover, X can be chosen so that X^2=I_n, where I_n is the identity matrix. An algorithm is constructed to compute such an X for a given matrix A. Consequently, a new and completely elementary proof of that result. As a by-product another interesting result is also established. Let G be a semisimple complex Lie group with Lie algebra g. Let g be the direct sum of g_0 and g_1 be a Z_2-gradation such that g_1 contains a Cartan subalgebra of g. Then L.V. Antonyan has shown that every G-orbit in g meets g_1. It is shown that, in the case of the symplectic group, this assertion remains valid over an arbitrary field F of characteristic different from 2. An analog of that result is proved when the characteristic is 2.