Multi-year Author Index for ELA: U
Uhlig, Frank
Chi-Kwong Li; Nam-Kiu Tsing; Frank Uhlig
Numerical ranges of an operator on an indefinite inner product space,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 1 (1996), 1-17.
Frank Uhlig
Partial Convergence and Sign Convergence of Matrix Powers via Eigen c--ads,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 3 (1998), 75-92.
Christos Chorianopoulos; Panayiotis Psarrakos; Frank Uhlig
A method for the inverse numerical range problem,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 20 (2010), 198-206.
Urbano, Ana M.
Cristina Jordan; Juan R. Torregrosa; Ana M. Urbano
On the Rodman-Shalom conjecture regarding the Jordan form of completions of partial upper triangular matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 3 (1998), 103-118.
Rafael Canto; Beatriz Ricarte; Ana M. Urbano
Full rank factorization and the Flanders Theorem,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 352-363.
Rafael Canto; Beatriz Ricarte; Ana Maria Urbano
Some characterizations of totally nonpositive (totally negative) matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 20 (2010), 241-253.
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