Author Index for ELA: Volume 5 (1999)
Beasley, LeRoy B.
LeRoy B. Beasley
Spaces of Rank-2 Matrices over GF(2),
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 5 (1999), 11-18.
Boettcher, Albrecht
Albrecht Boettcher; Sergei M. Grudsky
Toeplitz band matrices with exponentially growing condition numbers,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 5 (1999), 104-125.
Cheon, Gi-Sang
Gi-Sang Cheon; Charles R. Johnson; Sang-Gu Lee; Ethan J. Pribble
The Possible Numbers of Zeros in a Orthogonal Matrix,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 5 (1999), 19-23.
Climent, Joan-Josep
Joan-Josep Climent; Carmen Perea
Comparison theorems for weak nonnegative splittings of K-monotone matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 5 (1999), 24-38.
Gregory, David A.
David A. Gregory; Stephen J. Kirkland
Singular values of tournament matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 5 (1999), 39-52.
Grudsky, Sergei M.
Albrecht Boettcher; Sergei M. Grudsky
Toeplitz band matrices with exponentially growing condition numbers,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 5 (1999), 104-125.
Johnson, Charles R.
Gi-Sang Cheon; Charles R. Johnson; Sang-Gu Lee; Ethan J. Pribble
The Possible Numbers of Zeros in a Orthogonal Matrix,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 5 (1999), 19-23.
Kirkland, Stephen J.
David A. Gregory; Stephen J. Kirkland
Singular values of tournament matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 5 (1999), 39-52.
Lancaster, Peter
Peter Lancaster
Strongly stable gyroscopic systems,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 5 (1999), 53-66.
Lee, Sang-Gu
Gi-Sang Cheon; Charles R. Johnson; Sang-Gu Lee; Ethan J. Pribble
The Possible Numbers of Zeros in a Orthogonal Matrix,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 5 (1999), 19-23.
Mehrmann, Volker
Volker Mehrmann; Hongguo Xu
Structured Jordan Canonical Forms for Structured Matrices that are Hermitian, Skew Hermitian or Unitary with Respect to Indefinite Inner Products,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 5 (1999), 67-103.
Perea, Carmen
Joan-Josep Climent; Carmen Perea
Comparison theorems for weak nonnegative splittings of K-monotone matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 5 (1999), 24-38.
Pribble, Ethan J.
Gi-Sang Cheon; Charles R. Johnson; Sang-Gu Lee; Ethan J. Pribble
The Possible Numbers of Zeros in a Orthogonal Matrix,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 5 (1999), 19-23.
Tam, Tin-Yau
Tin-Yau Tam
An extension of a result of Lewis,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 5 (1999), 1-10.
Xu, Hongguo
Volker Mehrmann; Hongguo Xu
Structured Jordan Canonical Forms for Structured Matrices that are Hermitian, Skew Hermitian or Unitary with Respect to Indefinite Inner Products,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 5 (1999), 67-103.
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