Author Index for ELA: Volume 18 (2009)
Afshin, Hamid Reza
Hamid Reza Afshin; Mohammad Ali Mehrjoofard; Abbas Salemi
Polynomial numerical hulls of order 3,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 253-263.
Bailo, Esteban
Esteban Bailo; Josep Gelonch; Sergio Romero-Vivo
An upper bound of the reachability index for a special class of positive 2-D systems,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 1-12.
Bapat, Ravindra B.
Ravindra B. Bapat; Arbind K. Lal; Sukanta Pati
The distance matrix of a bidirected tree,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 233-245.
Barioli, Francesco
Francesco Barioli; Shaun M. Fallat; H. Tracy Hall; Daniel Hershkowitz; Leslie Hogben; Hein van der Holst; Bryan Shader
On the minimum rank of not necessarily symmetric matrices: A preliminary study,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 126-145.
Barrett, Wayne
Wayne Barrett; Ryan Bowcutt; Mark Cutler; Seth Gibelyou; Kayla Owens
Minimum rank of edge subdivisions of graphs,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 530-563.
Belitskii, Genrich
Genrich Belitskii; Andrii R. Dmytryshyn; Ruvim Lipyanski; Vladimir V. Sergeichuk; Arkady Tsurkov
Problems of classifying associative or Lie algebras over a field of characteristic not two and finite metabelian groups are wild,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 516-529.
Biyikoglu, Tuerker
Tuerker Biyikoglu; Marc Hellmuth; Josef Leydold
Largest eigenvalues of the discrete p-Laplacian of trees with degree sequences,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 202-210.
Boulet, Romain
Romain Boulet
Disjoint unions of complete graphs characterized by their Laplacian spectrum,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 773-783.
Bowcutt, Ryan
Wayne Barrett; Ryan Bowcutt; Mark Cutler; Seth Gibelyou; Kayla Owens
Minimum rank of edge subdivisions of graphs,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 530-563.
Bracic, Janko
Janko Bracic
Algebraic reflexivity for semigroups of operators,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 745-760.
Bruell, Tobias
Tobias Bruell
Explicit solutions of regular linear discrete-time descriptor systems with constant coefficients,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 317-338.
Bu, Changjiang
Changjiang Bu; Jiemei Zhao; Kuize Zhang
Some results on the group inverse for block matrices over skew fields,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 117-125.
Cao, Chongguang
Chongguang Cao; Juyan Li
Group inverses for matrices over a Bezout domain,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 600-612.
Canto, Rafael
Rafael Canto; Beatriz Ricarte; Ana M. Urbano
Full rank factorization and the Flanders Theorem,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 352-363.
Carlen, Eric A.
Eric A. Carlen; Elliott H. Lieb
Short proofs of theorems of Mirsky and Horn on diagonals and eigenvalues of matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 438-441.
Catral, Minerva
Minerva Catral; Dale D. Olesky; Pauline van den Driessche
Block representations of the Drazin inverse of a bipartite matrix,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 98-107.
Ccapa, Javier
Javier Ccapa; Ricardo L. Soto
On spectra perturbation and elementary divisors of positive matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 462-481.
Chen, Siyuan
Bolian Liu; Yufei Huang; Siyuan Chen
On the characterization of graphs with pendent vertices and given nullity,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 719-734.
Chien, Mao-Ting
Mao-Ting Chien; Hiroshi Nakazato
The numerical radius of a weighted shift operator with geometric weights,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 58-63.
Costas-Santos, Roberto S.
Charles R. Johnson; Roberto S. Costas-Santos; Boris Tadchiev
Matrices totally positive relative to a tree,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 211-221.
Cutler, Mark
Wayne Barrett; Ryan Bowcutt; Mark Cutler; Seth Gibelyou; Kayla Owens
Minimum rank of edge subdivisions of graphs,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 530-563.
Cvetkovic-Ilic, Dragana S.
Dragana S. Cvetkovic-Ilic; Yimin Wei
Representations for the Drazin inverse of bounded operators on Banach space,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 613-627.
DeAlba, Luz Maria
Luz Maria DeAlba; Leslie Hogben; Bhaba Kumar Sarma
The Q-matrix completion problem,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 176-191.
Luz M. DeAlba; Jason Grout; Leslie Hogben; Rana Mikkelson; Kaela Rasmussen
Universally optimal matrices and field independence of the minimum rank of a graph,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 403-419.
de Teran, Fernando
Fernando de Teran; Froilan M. Dopico; D. Steven Mackey
Linearizations of singular matrix polynomials and the recovery of minimal indices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 371-402.
Djokovic, Dragomir Z.
Dragomir Z. Djokovic; Simone Severini; Ferenc Szollosi
Rational orthogonal versus real orthogonal,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 649-673.
Djordjevic, Dragan S.
Dijana Mosic; Dragan S. Djordjevic
Partial isometries and EP elements in rings with involution,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 761-772.
Dmytryshyn, Andrii R.
Genrich Belitskii; Andrii R. Dmytryshyn; Ruvim Lipyanski; Vladimir V. Sergeichuk; Arkady Tsurkov
Problems of classifying associative or Lie algebras over a field of characteristic not two and finite metabelian groups are wild,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 516-529.
Dopico, Froilan M.
Fernando de Teran; Froilan M. Dopico; D. Steven Mackey
Linearizations of singular matrix polynomials and the recovery of minimal indices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 371-402.
Drury, Stephen W.
Stephen W. Drury
Operator norms of words formed from positive-definite matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 13-20.
Egana, Juan C.
Hubert Pickmann; Juan C. Egana; Ricardo L. Soto
Two inverse eigenproblems for symmetric doubly arrow matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 700-718.
Fallat, Shaun M.
Francesco Barioli; Shaun M. Fallat; H. Tracy Hall; Daniel Hershkowitz; Leslie Hogben; Hein van der Holst; Bryan Shader
On the minimum rank of not necessarily symmetric matrices: A preliminary study,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 126-145.
Fan, Yizheng
Yubin Gao; Yanling Shao; Yizheng Fan
Spectrally arbitrary complex sign pattern matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 674-692.
Fernandes, Rosario
Rosario Fernandes
On the inverse eigenvalue problems: the case of superstars,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 442-461.
Gao, Yubin
Yubin Gao; Yanling Shao; Yizheng Fan
Spectrally arbitrary complex sign pattern matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 674-692.
Gelonch, Josep
Esteban Bailo; Josep Gelonch; Sergio Romero-Vivo
An upper bound of the reachability index for a special class of positive 2-D systems,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 1-12.
Gibelyou, Seth
Wayne Barrett; Ryan Bowcutt; Mark Cutler; Seth Gibelyou; Kayla Owens
Minimum rank of edge subdivisions of graphs,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 530-563.
Glebsky, Lev
Lev Glebsky; Luis Manuel Rivera
On low rank perturbations of complex matrices and some discrete metric spaces,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 302-316.
Grout, Jason
Luz M. DeAlba; Jason Grout; Leslie Hogben; Rana Mikkelson; Kaela Rasmussen
Universally optimal matrices and field independence of the minimum rank of a graph,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 403-419.
Hall, H. Tracy
Francesco Barioli; Shaun M. Fallat; H. Tracy Hall; Daniel Hershkowitz; Leslie Hogben; Hein van der Holst; Bryan Shader
On the minimum rank of not necessarily symmetric matrices: A preliminary study,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 126-145.
Hellmuth, Marc
Tuerker Biyikoglu; Marc Hellmuth; Josef Leydold
Largest eigenvalues of the discrete p-Laplacian of trees with degree sequences,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 202-210.
Hershkowitz, Daniel
Francesco Barioli; Shaun M. Fallat; H. Tracy Hall; Daniel Hershkowitz; Leslie Hogben; Hein van der Holst; Bryan Shader
On the minimum rank of not necessarily symmetric matrices: A preliminary study,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 126-145.
Hogben, Leslie
Francesco Barioli; Shaun M. Fallat; H. Tracy Hall; Daniel Hershkowitz; Leslie Hogben; Hein van der Holst; Bryan Shader
On the minimum rank of not necessarily symmetric matrices: A preliminary study,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 126-145.
Luz Maria DeAlba; Leslie Hogben; Bhaba Kumar Sarma
The Q-matrix completion problem,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 176-191.
Luz M. DeAlba; Jason Grout; Leslie Hogben; Rana Mikkelson; Kaela Rasmussen
Universally optimal matrices and field independence of the minimum rank of a graph,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 403-419.
Horn, Roger A.
Roger A. Horn; Giuseppe Piazza; Tiziano Politi
Explicit polar decomposition of complex matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 693-699.
Hu, Xi-Yan
Qing-Feng Xiao; Xi-Yan Hu; Lei Zhang
The anti-symmetric ortho-symmetric solutions of the matrix equation A
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 21-29.
Qing-feng Xiao; Xi-yan Hu; Lei Zhang
The symmetric minimal rank solution of the matrix equation AX=B and the optimal approximation,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 264-271.
Huang, Yufei
Bolian Liu; Yufei Huang; Siyuan Chen
On the characterization of graphs with pendent vertices and given nullity,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 719-734.
Bolian Liu; Yufei Huang; Zhifu You
On λ
-extremal non-regular graphs,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 735-744.
Jiang, Hongying
Cheng-yi Zhang; Shuanghua Luo; Chengxian Xu; Hongying Jiang
Schur complements of generally diagonally dominant matrices and a criterion for irreducibility of matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 69-87.
Johnson, Charles R.
Charles R. Johnson; Cris Negron
Totally positive completions for monotonically labeled block clique graphs,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 146-161.
Charles R. Johnson; Roberto S. Costas-Santos; Boris Tadchiev
Matrices totally positive relative to a tree,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 211-221.
Kalogeropoulos, Grigoris I.
Grigoris I. Kalogeropoulos; Athanasios D. Karageorgos; Athanasios A. Pantelous
An angle metric through the notion of Grassmann representative,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 108-116.
Karageorgos, Athanasios D.
Grigoris I. Kalogeropoulos; Athanasios D. Karageorgos; Athanasios A. Pantelous
An angle metric through the notion of Grassmann representative,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 108-116.
Khalooei, Fatemeh
Fatemeh Khalooei; Abbas Salemi
The Structure of linear preservers of left matrix majorization on R
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 88-97.
Kim, In-Jae
In-Jae Kim; Dale D. Olesky; Bryan L. Shader; Pauline van den Driessche; Hein van der Holst; Kevin N. Vander Meulen
Generating potentially nilpotent full sign patterns,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 162-175.
Kirkland, Stephen J.
Stephen J. Kirkland
Subdominant eigenvalues for stochastic matrices with given column sums,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 784-800.
Kuzma, Bojan
Marko Orel; Bojan Kuzma
Additive rank-one nonincreasing maps on Hermitian matrices over the field GF(2
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 482-499.
Lal, Arbind K.
Ravindra B. Bapat; Arbind K. Lal; Sukanta Pati
The distance matrix of a bidirected tree,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 233-245.
Leydold, Josef
Tuerker Biyikoglu; Marc Hellmuth; Josef Leydold
Largest eigenvalues of the discrete p-Laplacian of trees with degree sequences,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 202-210.
Li, Juyan
Chongguang Cao; Juyan Li
Group inverses for matrices over a Bezout domain,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 600-612.
Lieb, Elliott H.
Eric A. Carlen; Elliott H. Lieb
Short proofs of theorems of Mirsky and Horn on diagonals and eigenvalues of matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 438-441.
Lippert, Ross A.
Ross A. Lippert; Gilbert Strang
The Jordan forms of AB and BA,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 281-288.
Lipyanski, Ruvim
Genrich Belitskii; Andrii R. Dmytryshyn; Ruvim Lipyanski; Vladimir V. Sergeichuk; Arkady Tsurkov
Problems of classifying associative or Lie algebras over a field of characteristic not two and finite metabelian groups are wild,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 516-529.
Liu, Bolian
Bolian Liu; Liu Mu-huo; Zhifu You
Erratum to "A note on the largest eigenvalue of non-regular graphs",
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 64-68.
Bolian Liu; Yufei Huang; Siyuan Chen
On the characterization of graphs with pendent vertices and given nullity,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 719-734.
Bolian Liu; Yufei Huang; Zhifu You
On λ
-extremal non-regular graphs,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 735-744.
Luo, Shuanghua
Cheng-yi Zhang; Shuanghua Luo; Chengxian Xu; Hongying Jiang
Schur complements of generally diagonally dominant matrices and a criterion for irreducibility of matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 69-87.
Cheng-Yi Zhang; Shuanghua Luo; Fengmin Xu; Chengxian Xu
The eigenvalue distribution on Schur complement of nonstrictly diagonally dominant matrices and general H-matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 801-820.
Macias-Virgos, E.
E. Macias-Virgos; M.J. Pereira-Saez
Left eigenvalues of 2x2 symplectic matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 274-280.
Mackey, D. Steven
Fernando de Teran; Froilan M. Dopico; D. Steven Mackey
Linearizations of singular matrix polynomials and the recovery of minimal indices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 371-402.
Medina, Luis
Oscar Rojo; Luis Medina
Spectra of weighted compound graphs of generalized Bethe trees,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 30-57.
Mehrjoofard, Mohammad Ali
Hamid Reza Afshin; Mohammad Ali Mehrjoofard; Abbas Salemi
Polynomial numerical hulls of order 3,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 253-263.
Mikkelson, Rana
Luz M. DeAlba; Jason Grout; Leslie Hogben; Rana Mikkelson; Kaela Rasmussen
Universally optimal matrices and field independence of the minimum rank of a graph,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 403-419.
Moghaddamfar, Ali Reza
Ali Reza Moghaddamfar; S.M.H. Pooya
Generalized Pascal triangles and Toeplitz matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 564-588.
Molnar, Lajos
Lajos Molnar
Maps on positive operators preserving Lebesgue decompositions,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 222-232.
Mosic, Dijana
Dijana Mosic; Dragan S. Djordjevic
Partial isometries and EP elements in rings with involution,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 761-772.
Mu-huo, Liu
Bolian Liu; Liu Mu-huo; Zhifu You
Erratum to "A note on the largest eigenvalue of non-regular graphs",
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 64-68.
Muhic, Andrej
Andrej Muhic; Bor Plestenjak
On the singular two-parameter eigenvalue problem,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 420-437.
Nakazato, Hiroshi
Mao-Ting Chien; Hiroshi Nakazato
The numerical radius of a weighted shift operator with geometric weights,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 58-63.
Negron, Cris
Charles R. Johnson; Cris Negron
Totally positive completions for monotonically labeled block clique graphs,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 146-161.
Olesky, Dale D.
Minerva Catral; Dale D. Olesky; Pauline van den Driessche
Block representations of the Drazin inverse of a bipartite matrix,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 98-107.
In-Jae Kim; Dale D. Olesky; Bryan L. Shader; Pauline van den Driessche; Hein van der Holst; Kevin N. Vander Meulen
Generating potentially nilpotent full sign patterns,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 162-175.
Dale D. Olesky; Michael J. Tsatsomeros; Pauline van den Driessche
-matrices: a generalization of M-matrices based on eventually nonnegative matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 339-351.
Orel, Marko
Marko Orel; Bojan Kuzma
Additive rank-one nonincreasing maps on Hermitian matrices over the field GF(2
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 482-499.
Owens, Kayla
Wayne Barrett; Ryan Bowcutt; Mark Cutler; Seth Gibelyou; Kayla Owens
Minimum rank of edge subdivisions of graphs,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 530-563.
Pantelous, Athanasios A.
Grigoris I. Kalogeropoulos; Athanasios D. Karageorgos; Athanasios A. Pantelous
An angle metric through the notion of Grassmann representative,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 108-116.
Pati, Sukanta
Ravindra B. Bapat; Arbind K. Lal; Sukanta Pati
The distance matrix of a bidirected tree,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 233-245.
Pereira-Saez, M.J.
E. Macias-Virgos; M.J. Pereira-Saez
Left eigenvalues of 2x2 symplectic matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 274-280.
Piazza, Giuseppe
Roger A. Horn; Giuseppe Piazza; Tiziano Politi
Explicit polar decomposition of complex matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 693-699.
Pickmann, Hubert
Hubert Pickmann; Juan C. Egana; Ricardo L. Soto
Two inverse eigenproblems for symmetric doubly arrow matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 700-718.
Plestenjak, Bor
Andrej Muhic; Bor Plestenjak
On the singular two-parameter eigenvalue problem,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 420-437.
Politi, Tiziano
Roger A. Horn; Giuseppe Piazza; Tiziano Politi
Explicit polar decomposition of complex matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 693-699.
Pooya, S.M.H.
Ali Reza Moghaddamfar; S.M.H. Pooya
Generalized Pascal triangles and Toeplitz matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 564-588.
Raja, P.
P. Raja; S. M. Vaezpour
On C-commuting graph of matrix algebra,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 364-370.
Rasmussen, Kaela
Luz M. DeAlba; Jason Grout; Leslie Hogben; Rana Mikkelson; Kaela Rasmussen
Universally optimal matrices and field independence of the minimum rank of a graph,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 403-419.
Ricarte, Beatriz
Rafael Canto; Beatriz Ricarte; Ana M. Urbano
Full rank factorization and the Flanders Theorem,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 352-363.
Rivera, Luis Manuel
Lev Glebsky; Luis Manuel Rivera
On low rank perturbations of complex matrices and some discrete metric spaces,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 302-316.
Rohn, Jiri
Jiri Rohn
Description of all solutions of a linear complementarity problem,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 246-252.
Jiri Rohn
Forty necessary and sufficient conditions for regularity of interval matrices: A survey,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 500-512.
Jiri Rohn
An algorithm for solving the absolute value equation,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 589-599.
Rojo, Oscar
Oscar Rojo; Luis Medina
Spectra of weighted compound graphs of generalized Bethe trees,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 30-57.
Romero-Vivo, Sergio
Esteban Bailo; Josep Gelonch; Sergio Romero-Vivo
An upper bound of the reachability index for a special class of positive 2-D systems,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 1-12.
Salemi, Abbas
Fatemeh Khalooei; Abbas Salemi
The Structure of linear preservers of left matrix majorization on R
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 88-97.
Hamid Reza Afshin; Mohammad Ali Mehrjoofard; Abbas Salemi
Polynomial numerical hulls of order 3,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 253-263.
Sarma, Bhaba Kumar
Luz Maria DeAlba; Leslie Hogben; Bhaba Kumar Sarma
The Q-matrix completion problem,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 176-191.
Sergeichuk, Vladimir V.
Genrich Belitskii; Andrii R. Dmytryshyn; Ruvim Lipyanski; Vladimir V. Sergeichuk; Arkady Tsurkov
Problems of classifying associative or Lie algebras over a field of characteristic not two and finite metabelian groups are wild,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 516-529.
Severini, Simone
Dragomir Z. Djokovic; Simone Severini; Ferenc Szollosi
Rational orthogonal versus real orthogonal,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 649-673.
Shader, Bryan L.
Francesco Barioli; Shaun M. Fallat; H. Tracy Hall; Daniel Hershkowitz; Leslie Hogben; Hein van der Holst; Bryan Shader
On the minimum rank of not necessarily symmetric matrices: A preliminary study,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 126-145.
In-Jae Kim; Dale D. Olesky; Bryan L. Shader; Pauline van den Driessche; Hein van der Holst; Kevin N. Vander Meulen
Generating potentially nilpotent full sign patterns,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 162-175.
Shao, Yanling
Yubin Gao; Yanling Shao; Yizheng Fan
Spectrally arbitrary complex sign pattern matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 674-692.
Song, Guang-Jing
Qing-Wen Wang; Hua-Sheng Zhang; Guang-Jing Song
A new solvable condition for a pair of generalized Sylvester equations,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 289-301.
Soto, Ricardo L.
Javier Ccapa; Ricardo L. Soto
On spectra perturbation and elementary divisors of positive matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 462-481.
Hubert Pickmann; Juan C. Egana; Ricardo L. Soto
Two inverse eigenproblems for symmetric doubly arrow matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 700-718.
Stitzinger, Ernie
Ernie Stitzinger; Laurie Zack
Realizations of the complex nilpotent Lie algebras with small second derived quotient,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 513-515.
Strang, Gilbert
Ross A. Lippert; Gilbert Strang
The Jordan forms of AB and BA,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 281-288.
Szollosi, Ferenc
Dragomir Z. Djokovic; Simone Severini; Ferenc Szollosi
Rational orthogonal versus real orthogonal,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 649-673.
Tadchiev, Boris
Charles R. Johnson; Roberto S. Costas-Santos; Boris Tadchiev
Matrices totally positive relative to a tree,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 211-221.
Tsatsomeros, Michael J.
Dale D. Olesky; Michael J. Tsatsomeros; Pauline van den Driessche
-matrices: a generalization of M-matrices based on eventually nonnegative matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 339-351.
Tsurkov, Arkady
Genrich Belitskii; Andrii R. Dmytryshyn; Ruvim Lipyanski; Vladimir V. Sergeichuk; Arkady Tsurkov
Problems of classifying associative or Lie algebras over a field of characteristic not two and finite metabelian groups are wild,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 516-529.
Urbano, Ana M.
Rafael Canto; Beatriz Ricarte; Ana M. Urbano
Full rank factorization and the Flanders Theorem,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 352-363.
Vaezpour, S. M.
P. Raja; S. M. Vaezpour
On C-commuting graph of matrix algebra,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 364-370.
van den Driessche, Pauline
Minerva Catral; Dale D. Olesky; Pauline van den Driessche
Block representations of the Drazin inverse of a bipartite matrix,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 98-107.
In-Jae Kim; Dale D. Olesky; Bryan L. Shader; Pauline van den Driessche; Hein van der Holst; Kevin N. Vander Meulen
Generating potentially nilpotent full sign patterns,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 162-175.
Dale D. Olesky; Michael J. Tsatsomeros; Pauline van den Driessche
-matrices: a generalization of M-matrices based on eventually nonnegative matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 339-351.
van der Holst, Hein
Francesco Barioli; Shaun M. Fallat; H. Tracy Hall; Daniel Hershkowitz; Leslie Hogben; Hein van der Holst; Bryan Shader
On the minimum rank of not necessarily symmetric matrices: A preliminary study,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 126-145.
In-Jae Kim; Dale D. Olesky; Bryan L. Shader; Pauline van den Driessche; Hein van der Holst; Kevin N. Vander Meulen
Generating potentially nilpotent full sign patterns,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 162-175.
Hein van der Holst
On the Maximum positive semi-definite nullity and the cycle matroid of graphs,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 192-201.
Vander Meulen, Kevin N.
In-Jae Kim; Dale D. Olesky; Bryan L. Shader; Pauline van den Driessche; Hein van der Holst; Kevin N. Vander Meulen
Generating potentially nilpotent full sign patterns,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 162-175.
Kevin N. Vander Meulen; Adam Van Tuyl
Zero-nonzero patterns for nilpotent matrices over finite fields,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 628-648.
Van Tuyl, Adam
Kevin N. Vander Meulen; Adam Van Tuyl
Zero-nonzero patterns for nilpotent matrices over finite fields,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 628-648.
Wang, Qing-Wen
Qing-Wen Wang; Hua-Sheng Zhang; Guang-Jing Song
A new solvable condition for a pair of generalized Sylvester equations,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 289-301.
Wei, Yimin
Dragana S. Cvetkovic-Ilic; Yimin Wei
Representations for the Drazin inverse of bounded operators on Banach space,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 613-627.
Xiao, Qing-Feng
Qing-Feng Xiao; Xi-Yan Hu; Lei Zhang
The anti-symmetric ortho-symmetric solutions of the matrix equation A
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 21-29.
Qing-feng Xiao; Xi-yan Hu; Lei Zhang
The symmetric minimal rank solution of the matrix equation AX=B and the optimal approximation,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 264-271.
Xu, Chengxian
Cheng-yi Zhang; Shuanghua Luo; Chengxian Xu; Hongying Jiang
Schur complements of generally diagonally dominant matrices and a criterion for irreducibility of matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 69-87.
Cheng-Yi Zhang; Shuanghua Luo; Fengmin Xu; Chengxian Xu
The eigenvalue distribution on Schur complement of nonstrictly diagonally dominant matrices and general H-matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 801-820.
Xu, Fengmin
Cheng-Yi Zhang; Shuanghua Luo; Fengmin Xu; Chengxian Xu
The eigenvalue distribution on Schur complement of nonstrictly diagonally dominant matrices and general H-matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 801-820.
You, Zhifu
Bolian Liu; Liu Mu-huo; Zhifu You
Erratum to "A note on the largest eigenvalue of non-regular graphs",
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 64-68.
Bolian Liu; Yufei Huang; Zhifu You
On λ
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Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 735-744.
Zack, Laurie
Ernie Stitzinger; Laurie Zack
Realizations of the complex nilpotent Lie algebras with small second derived quotient,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 513-515.
Zhang, Cheng-yi
Cheng-yi Zhang; Shuanghua Luo; Chengxian Xu; Hongying Jiang
Schur complements of generally diagonally dominant matrices and a criterion for irreducibility of matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 69-87.
Cheng-Yi Zhang; Shuanghua Luo; Fengmin Xu; Chengxian Xu
The eigenvalue distribution on Schur complement of nonstrictly diagonally dominant matrices and general H-matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 801-820.
Zhang, Hua-Sheng
Qing-Wen Wang; Hua-Sheng Zhang; Guang-Jing Song
A new solvable condition for a pair of generalized Sylvester equations,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 289-301.
Zhang, Kuize
Changjiang Bu; Jiemei Zhao; Kuize Zhang
Some results on the group inverse for block matrices over skew fields,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 117-125.
Zhang, Lei
Qing-Feng Xiao; Xi-Yan Hu; Lei Zhang
The anti-symmetric ortho-symmetric solutions of the matrix equation A
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 21-29.
Qing-feng Xiao; Xi-yan Hu; Lei Zhang
The symmetric minimal rank solution of the matrix equation AX=B and the optimal approximation,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 264-271.
Zhao, Jiemei
Changjiang Bu; Jiemei Zhao; Kuize Zhang
Some results on the group inverse for block matrices over skew fields,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 18 (2009), 117-125.
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