Author Index for ELA: Volume 11 (2004)
Antoniou, E.N.
E.N. Antoniou; S. Vologiannidis
A new family of companion forms of polynomial matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 78-87.
Barioli, Francesco
Francesco Barioli; Shaun M. Fallat
On two conjectures regarding an inverse eigenvalue problem for acyclic symmetric matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 41-50.
Barrett, Wayne
Wayne Barrett; Hein van der Holst; Raphael Loewy
Graphs whose minimal rank is two,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 258-280.
Britz, Thomas
Thomas Britz; Dale D. Olesky; Pauline van den Driessche
Matrix inversion and digraphs: the one factor case,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 115-131.
Bru, Rafael
Rafael Bru; Carmen Coll; Sergio Romero; Elena Sanchez
Reachability indices of positive linear systems,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 88-102.
Cao, Chongguang
Chongguang Cao; Xiaomin Tang
Determinant preserving transformations on symmetric matrix spaces,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 205-211.
Coll, Carmen
Rafael Bru; Carmen Coll; Sergio Romero; Elena Sanchez
Reachability indices of positive linear systems,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 88-102.
Coppersmith, Don
Don Coppersmith; Zvi Lotker
On Cayley's Formula for counting trees in nested interval graphs,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 241-245.
Davies, Philip I.
Philip I. Davies
Structured Conditioning of Matrix Functions,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 132-161.
Drury, S.W.
S.W. Drury
The external vertices conjecture in case n=4,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 180-191.
Erovenko, Igor V.
Igor V. Erovenko
SL_n(F[x]) is not boundedly generated by elementary matrices: explicit proof,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 162-167.
Fallat, Shaun M.
Francesco Barioli; Shaun M. Fallat
On two conjectures regarding an inverse eigenvalue problem for acyclic symmetric matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 41-50.
Fujimoto, Takao
Takao Fujimoto; Ravindra R. Ranade
Two characterizations of inverse-positive matrices: the Hawkins-Simon condition and the Le Chatelier-Braun principle,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 59-65.
Garrity, Thomas
Thomas Garrity; Zachary Grossman
On relations of invariants for vector-valued forms,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 24-40.
Grossman, Zachary
Thomas Garrity; Zachary Grossman
On relations of invariants for vector-valued forms,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 24-40.
Key, Eric S.
Eric S. Key; Hans Volkmer
Eigenvalue Multiplicities of Products of Companion Matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 103-114.
Kirkland, Stephen J.
Stephen J. Kirkland
A combinatorial approach to the conditioning of a single entry in the stationary distribution for a Markov chain,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 168-179.
Lei, Tian-Gang
Tian-Gang Lei; Ching-Wah Woo; Fuzhen Zhang
Matrix inequalities by means of embedding,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 66-77.
Li, Chi-Kwong
Chi-Kwong Li; Thomas Milligan; Bryan L. Shader
Non-existence of 5X5 full ray nonsingular matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 212-240.
Loewy, Raphael
Wayne Barrett; Hein van der Holst; Raphael Loewy
Graphs whose minimal rank is two,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 258-280.
Lotker, Zvi
Don Coppersmith; Zvi Lotker
On Cayley's Formula for counting trees in nested interval graphs,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 241-245.
Mehl, Christian
Christian Mehl; Andre C. M. Ran; Leiba Rodman
Hyponormal matrices and semidefinite invariant subspaces in indefinite inner products,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 192-204.
Milligan, Thomas
Chi-Kwong Li; Thomas Milligan; Bryan L. Shader
Non-existence of 5X5 full ray nonsingular matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 212-240.
Monov, Vladimir
Vladimir Monov; Michael Tsatsomeros
On reducing and deflating subspaces of matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 246-257.
Olesky, Dale D.
Thomas Britz; Dale D. Olesky; Pauline van den Driessche
Matrix inversion and digraphs: the one factor case,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 115-131.
Ovall, Jeffrey S.
Jeffrey S. Ovall
An analysis of GCD and LCM matrices via the LDL^T-factorization,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 51-58.
Pinkus, Allan
Allan Pinkus
Interpolation by matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 281-291.
Ran, Andre C. M.
Christian Mehl; Andre C. M. Ran; Leiba Rodman
Hyponormal matrices and semidefinite invariant subspaces in indefinite inner products,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 192-204.
Ranade, Ravindra R.
Takao Fujimoto; Ravindra R. Ranade
Two characterizations of inverse-positive matrices: the Hawkins-Simon condition and the Le Chatelier-Braun principle,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 59-65.
Rodman, Leiba
Christian Mehl; Andre C. M. Ran; Leiba Rodman
Hyponormal matrices and semidefinite invariant subspaces in indefinite inner products,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 192-204.
Romero, Sergio
Rafael Bru; Carmen Coll; Sergio Romero; Elena Sanchez
Reachability indices of positive linear systems,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 88-102.
Rovnyak, James L.
James L. Rovnyak; Lev A. Sakhnovich
On the Krein-Langer integral representation of generalized Nevanlinna functions,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 1-15.
Sakhnovich, Lev A.
James L. Rovnyak; Lev A. Sakhnovich
On the Krein-Langer integral representation of generalized Nevanlinna functions,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 1-15.
Sanchez, Elena
Rafael Bru; Carmen Coll; Sergio Romero; Elena Sanchez
Reachability indices of positive linear systems,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 88-102.
Saunders, B. David
B. David Saunders; Arne Storjohann; Gilles Villard
Matrix rank certification,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 16-23.
Shader, Bryan L.
Chi-Kwong Li; Thomas Milligan; Bryan L. Shader
Non-existence of 5X5 full ray nonsingular matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 212-240.
Storjohann, Arne
B. David Saunders; Arne Storjohann; Gilles Villard
Matrix rank certification,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 16-23.
Tang, Xiaomin
Chongguang Cao; Xiaomin Tang
Determinant preserving transformations on symmetric matrix spaces,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 205-211.
Tsatsomeros, Michael
Vladimir Monov; Michael Tsatsomeros
On reducing and deflating subspaces of matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 246-257.
van den Driessche, Pauline
Thomas Britz; Dale D. Olesky; Pauline van den Driessche
Matrix inversion and digraphs: the one factor case,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 115-131.
van der Holst, Hein
Wayne Barrett; Hein van der Holst; Raphael Loewy
Graphs whose minimal rank is two,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 258-280.
Villard, Gilles
B. David Saunders; Arne Storjohann; Gilles Villard
Matrix rank certification,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 16-23.
Volkmer, Hans
Eric S. Key; Hans Volkmer
Eigenvalue Multiplicities of Products of Companion Matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 103-114.
Vologiannidis, S.
E.N. Antoniou; S. Vologiannidis
A new family of companion forms of polynomial matrices,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 78-87.
Woo, Ching-Wah
Tian-Gang Lei; Ching-Wah Woo; Fuzhen Zhang
Matrix inequalities by means of embedding,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 66-77.
Zhang, Fuzhen
Tian-Gang Lei; Ching-Wah Woo; Fuzhen Zhang
Matrix inequalities by means of embedding,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 11 (2004), 66-77.
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