Information for Authors
The Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations is dedicated to the publication of high quality papers in the broad area of ordinary and partial differential equations, integral equations, and functional differential equations. If an author can see that her/his paper is clearly outside the areas of interest of any of the editors, then this journal is probably the wrong place for the paper.
By submitting a paper to this journal, the author certifies that the paper has not been previously published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities - tacitly or explicitly - at the institute where the work has been carried out. The author agrees that, if the paper is accepted for publication, he will transfer the copyright in it exclusively to EJQTDE, including the right of reproduction in all forms and media, and the right to include it in collections and databases. Research articles are refereed under the same standards as those used by any printed journals covered by the Mathematical Reviews and the Zentralblatt.
It is to be understood that once a paper is published, it can not be removed or corrected, although a correction can be published later in the journal and a notation made in the original article telling where a correction appears.
Authors should format their paper in any TeX version using 12 point characters, and they should send it in for publication in TEX and DVI/PDF format. The files of the paper should be submitted directly to one of the Associate Editors (and a copy to the Technical Editor whose research interest is closest to the topics of the paper to be submitted. Graphics can be included as Postscript or PCX files (do not forget to include them when you are sending your paper in), from the main document input them through any command which is supported by the latest version of DviWin (see the DviWin's help file under TeX specials). Together with the submitted paper the authors must send in a mathematics subject classification, key words and phrases, and the authors' e-mail address and/or WWW home page. In order to aid the dissemination of your paper, please also include an abstract no longer than 1000 characters in TeX format with a minimum of mathematical text in it (upon acceptance this will appear on the WWW page of this paper).
For the final version of the paper you should format your paper so that in the footline you have the following text in at least 10 point characters right justified:
EJQTDE, <year> No. <number>, p. <page number>
where <year> is the publication year, <number> is the issue number in that year, and <page number> is the page number starting from 1 and increasing (upon acceptance, we will supply the publication year and number to the author). Also, on the headline of the first page should contain the following text right justified:
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations
<year>, No. <number>, 1 - <last page>;
where <last page> is the number of pages in the paper.
In plain TeX you can use the following text to do this (of course, the year
and issue number and the last page should be replaced):
\vtop to 0 pt{\hbox{\sevenit Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations}
\hbox{\sevenrm 2010, No. {\sevenbf 1}, 1-12; {\sevenbf}}\vss}\else\hss\fi}
\footline{\hss\rm EJQTDE, 2010 No. 1, p. \the\pageno}
In LaTeX put the following text after the \begin{document} and
(if you use it) after \maketitle:
\vtop to 0 pt{\vskip-1truecm\hbox{\sevenit
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations}\hbox{\sevenrm 2010, No. {\sevenbf 1}, 1-12;
{\sevenbf}}\vss}\else\hss\fi}\def\@oddfoot{\rm\hfil EJQTDE, 2010 No. 1, p. \thepage}
All communications about publishing a paper in the Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations are accepted only by electronic means. The preferred way is by e-mail to the e-mail address of the appropriate Editor, or the official e-mail address of EJQTDE: If you do not have e-mail access, you can send your manuscript on a floppy disk in DVI format to Géza Makay, Bolyai Institute, Aradi vértanúk tere 1, H-6720, Szeged, Hungary: compress all files by PKZIP, ARJ or WinZip into one file, but also include these files in uncompressed format on the same floppy disk. We will not return any floppy disks sent to us this way.