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Wiener Process with Reflection in Non-Smooth Narrow Tubes
Konstantinos Spiliopoulos, Brown University |
Wiener process with instantaneous reflection in narrow tubes of
width ε<<1 around axis x is considered
in this paper.
The tube is assumed to be (asymptotically) non-smooth in the
following sense.
Let Vε(x) be the volume of the
cross-section of the tube. We assume that
(1/ε)Vε(x) converges in an appropriate
sense to a non-smooth function as
ε->0. This limiting function can be composed by smooth
functions, step functions and also the Dirac delta
distribution. Under this assumption we prove that the
x-component of the Wiener process converges weakly to a
process that behaves like a standard diffusion process away from the
points of discontinuity and has to
satisfy certain gluing conditions at the
points of discontinuity.
Full text: PDF
Pages: 2011-2037
Published on: September 28, 2009
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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489 |