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Brownian Bridge Asymptotics for Random p-Mappings
David Aldous, University of California, Berkeley Gregory Miermont, Ecole Normale Superieure Jim Pitman, University of California, Berkeley |
The Joyal bijection between doubly-rooted trees and mappings
can be lifted to a transformation on function space which takes
tree-walks to mapping-walks.
Applying known results on weak convergence of random tree walks
to Brownian excursion, we give a conceptually simpler rederivation
of the Aldous-Pitman (1994) result on convergence of uniform random
mapping walks to reflecting Brownian bridge,
and extend this result to random p-mappings.
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Pages: 37-56
Published on: February 13, 2004
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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489 |