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 Electronic Journal of Probability > Vol. 4 (1999) > Paper 10 open journal systems 

Thick Points for Transient Symmetric Stable Processes

Amir Dembo, Stanford University
Yuval Peres, University of California, Berkeley
Jay Rosen, College of Staten Island, CUNY
Ofer Zeitouni, Technion

Let T(x,r) denote the total occupation measure of the ball of radius r centered at x for a transient symmetric stable processes of index $b<d$ in $R^d$ and K(b,d) denote the norm of the convolution with its 0-potential density, considered as an operator on $L^2(B(0,1),dx)$. We prove that as r approaches 0, almost surely $sup_{|x| leq 1} T(x,r)/(r^b|log r|) to b K(b,d)$. Furthermore, for any $a in (0,b/K(b,d))$, the Hausdorff dimension of the set of ``thick points'' x for which $limsup_{r to 0} T(x,r)/(r^b |log r|)=a$, is almost surely b-a/K(b,d); this is the correct scaling to obtain a nondegenerate ``multifractal spectrum'' for transient stable occupation measure. The liminf scaling of T(x,r) is quite different: we exhibit positive, finite, non-random c(b,d), C(b,d), such that almost surely $c(b,d)<sup_x liminf_{r to 0} T(x,r)/r^b<C(b,d)$.

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Pages: 1-13

Published on: May 5, 1999

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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489