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Asymptotics for rooted bipartite planar maps and scaling limits of two-type spatial trees
We prove some asymptotic results for the radius and the profile of large random bipartite planar maps. Using a bijection due to Bouttier, Di Francesco and Guitter between rooted bipartite planar maps and certain two-type trees with positive labels, we derive our results from a conditional limit theorem for two-type spatial trees. Finally we apply our estimates to separating vertices of bipartite planar maps: with probability close to one when n tends to infinity, a random 2k-angulation with n faces has a separating vertex whose removal disconnects the map into two components each with size greater that n1/2-ε.
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Pages: 862-925
Published on: June 13, 2007
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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489 |