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Transience and Non-explosion of Certain Stochastic Newtonian Systems
Vassili N. Kolokoltsov, Nottingham Trent University R.L. Schilling, University of Sussex A. E. Tyukov, University of Sussex |
We give sufficient conditions for non-explosion
and transience (in dimensions d greater or equal 3) of the solution
to a stochastic Newtonian system of the form
dx(t) = p(t) dt
dp(t) = DV(x(t))
dt − Dc(x(t))
where z(t) is a d-dimensional Levy process,
is an Ito differential, c is a
Rd) function and V a non-negative
C2(Rd, R) function
(with x-derivatives
denoted by Dc and DV).
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Pages: 1-19
Published on: October 2, 2002
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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489 |