Math. Review 0047272 </a>, Motoo <a href=""> Math. Review 0097866 </a>, and Rivero <a href=""> Math. Review 2029617</a>.
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The lower envelope of positive self-similar Markov processes
Loic Chaumont, Laboratoire de probabilités et modèles aléatoires Juan Carlos Pardo Millan, Laboratoire de probabilités et modèles aléatoires |
We establish integral tests and laws of the iterated logarithm for the lower envelope of positive self-similar Markov processes at 0 and $+infty$. Our proofs are based on the Lamperti representation and time reversal arguments. These results extend laws of the iterated logarithm for Bessel processes due to Dvoretzky and Erdös Math. Review 0047272 , Motoo Math. Review 0097866 , and Rivero Math. Review 2029617.
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Pages: 1321-1341
Published on: December 17, 2006
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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489 |