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Series Representations of Fractional Gaussian Processes by Trigonometric and Haar Systems
Werner Linde, FSU Jena Antoine Ayache, UMR CNRS 8524 , Laboratoire Paul Painleve |
The aim of the present paper is to investigate series
representations of the Riemann--Liouville process Rα,
α>1/2, generated by classical orthonormal bases in L2
[0,1]. Those bases are, for example, the trigonometric or the Haar
system. We prove that the representation of Rα via the
trigonometric system possesses the optimal convergence rate if and
only if 1/2<α≤ 2. For the Haar system we have an optimal
approximation rate if 1/2<α<3/2 while for α>3/2 a
representation via the Haar system is not optimal. Estimates for the
rate of convergence of the Haar series are given in the cases
α>3/2 and α=3/2. However, in this latter case the
question whether or not the series representation is optimal remains open.
Recently M. A. Lifshits answered this question (cf. [13]). Using a different approach he could show that in the case
α= 3/2 a representation of the RiemannLiouville process via the Haar system is also not optimal.
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Pages: 2691-2719
Published on: December 21, 2009
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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489 |