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 Electronic Journal of Probability > Vol. 11 (2006) > Paper 25 open journal systems 

Transience of percolation clusters on wedges

Noam Berger, University of California, Los Angeles
Itai Benjamini, The Weizmann Institute
Omer Angel, University of British Columbia
Yuval Peres, The University of California, Berkeley

We study random walks on supercritical percolation clusters on wedges in $Z^3$, and show that the infinite percolation cluster is (a.s.) transient whenever the wedge is transient. This solves a question raised by O. olle and E. Mossel. We also show that for convex gauge functions satisfying a mild regularity condition, the existence of a finite energy flow on $Z^2$ is equivalent to the (a.s.) existence of a finite energy flow on the supercritical percolation cluster. This answers a question of C. Hoffman

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Pages: 655-669

Published on: August 7, 2006

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