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Laws of the Iterated Logarithm for Triple Intersections of Three Dimensional Random Walks
Jay Rosen, College of Staten Island, CUNY |
Let X = X_n, X' = X'_n, and X'' = X''_n, ngeq 1, be three
independent copies of a symmetric three dimensional random walk
with E(|X_1|^{2}log_+ |X_1|) finite. In this paper we study the
asymptotics of I_n, the number of triple intersections up to
step n of the paths of X, X' and X'' as n goes to infinity. Our
main result says that the limsup of
I_n divided by log (n) log_3 (n) is equal to 1 over pi |Q|, a.s.,
where Q denotes the covariance matrix of X_1. A similar result holds for
J_n, the number of points in the triple intersection of the ranges
of X, X' and X'' up to step n.
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Pages: 1-32
Published on: March 26, 1997
Breiman, L.
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Cambridge University Press
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Proprietes d'intersection des marches aleatoires, II.
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The range of stable random walks
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Marcus, M. and Rosen, J.
Laws of the iterated logarithm for intersections
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Ann. Inst. H. Poincar{'e}, Prob. Stat. , to appear.
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Marcus, M. and Rosen, J.
Laws of the iterated logarithm for the local times of recurrent
random walks on $Z^2$ and of Levy processes and recurrent random walks in
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Ann. Inst. H. Poincar{'e}, Prob. Stat. 30, 467--499.
Math. Review 95k:60176
Marcus, M. and Rosen, J.
Laws of the iterated logarithm for the local times of symmetric
Levy processes and recurrent random walks.
Ann. Probab. 22, 626--658.
Math. Review 95k:60190
Spitzer, F.
Principles of Random Walk.
Springer Verlag
Math. Review 52:9383
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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489 |