Logarithmic components of the vacant set for random walk on a discrete torus
David Windisch, ETH Zurich
This work continues the investigation, initiated in a recent work by Benjamini and Sznitman, of percolative properties of the set of points not visited by a random walk on the discrete torus (Z/NZ)d up to time uNd in high dimension d. If u>0 is chosen sufficiently small it has been shown that with overwhelming probability this vacant set contains a unique giant component containing segments of length c0 log N for some constant c0 > 0, and this component occupies a non-degenerate fraction of the total volume as N tends to infinity. Within the same setup, we investigate here the complement of the giant component in the vacant set and show that some components consist of segments of logarithmic size. In particular, this shows that the choice of a sufficiently large constant c0 > 0 is crucial in the definition of the giant component.
I. Benjamini, A.S. Sznitman. Giant component and vacant set for random walk on a discrete torus.
J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 10(1):133-172, 2008.
Math. Review number not available.
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Math. Review number not available.
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Math. Review 19,470d
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Math. Review 2001a:60035