Strict Concavity of the Half Plane Intersection Exponent for Planar Brownian Motion
Gregory F. Lawler, Duke University and Cornell University
The intersection exponents for planar Brownian motion
measure the exponential decay of probabilities of nonintersection of
paths. We study the intersection exponent $xi(lambda_1,lambda_2)$
for Brownian motion restricted to a half plane which by conformal
invariance is the same as Brownian motion restricted
to an infinite strip. We show that $xi$ is a strictly
concave function. This result is used in another paper to
establish a universality result for conformally invariant
intersection exponents.
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Decay of correlations for non-Holderian dynamics: a
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B. Duplantier
Two-dimensional copolymers and exact conformal multifractality,
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G. F. Lawler
Hausdorff dimension of cut points for Brownian motion,
Electron. J. Probab. 1, paper no.2.
Math. Review 97g:60111
G. F. Lawler
The dimension of the frontier of planar Brownian
Electron. Comm. Prob. 1, paper no 5.
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G. F. Lawler
The frontier of a Brownian path is multifractal,
G. F. Lawler
Strict concavity of the intersection
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two and three dimensions, Math. Phys. Electron.
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Math. Review 2000e:60134
G. F. Lawler, W. Werner
Intersection exponents for planar Brownian motion,
Ann. Probab. 27, 1601--1642.
G. F. Lawler, W. Werner
Universality for conformally
invariant intersection exponents, preprint.