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Convex concentration inequalities and forward-backward stochastic calculus
Thierry Klein, Universite Paul Sabatier Yutao Ma, Universite de La Rochelle Nicolas Privault, Universite de La Rochelle |
Given (Mt)t ∈ R+ and (M*t)t ∈ R+ respectively a forward and a backward martingale with jumps
and continuous parts, we prove that E[φ (Mt+M*t)]
is non-decreasing in t when φ is a convex function, provided the local characteristics of (Mt)t ∈ R+ and (M*t)t ∈ R+ satisfy some comparison inequalities. We deduce convex concentration inequalities and deviation bounds for random variables admitting a predictable representation in terms of a Brownian motion and a non-necessarily independent jump component.
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Pages: 486-512
Published on: July 7, 2006
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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489 |