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Sectorial Local Non-Determinism and the Geometry of the Brownian Sheet
Yimin Xiao, Michigan State University Davar Khoshnevisan, The University of Utah Dongsheng Wu, Michigan State University |
We prove the following results about the
images and multiple points of an N-parameter,
d-dimensional Brownian sheet B ={B(t)}t in R+N:
- (1)
If dim F ≤ d/2, then B(F)
is almost surely a Salem set.
- (2)
If N ≤ d/2, then with probability one
dim B(F) = 2 dim F for all Borel sets of R+N,
where ``dim'' could be everywhere
replaced by the ``Hausdorff,''
``packing,'' ``upper Minkowski,'' or ``lower Minkowski
- (3)
Let Mk be the set of k-multiple points of
B. If N ≤ d/2 and
Nk > (k-1)d/2, then dimh Mk =
dimp Mk = 2 Nk - (k-1)d a.s.
The Hausdorff dimension aspect of (2) was proved
earlier; see Mountford (1989) and Lin (1999).
The latter references use two different methods; ours
of (2) are more elementary, and reminiscent of the
earlier arguments of Monrad and Pitt
(1987) that were designed for studying fractional Brownian motion.
If N>d/2 then(2)
fails to hold. In that case,
we establish uniform-dimensional properties
for the (N,1)-Brownian sheet that extend the results of
Kaufman (1989) for 1-dimensional Brownian motion.
Our innovation is in our use of the
sectorial local nondeterminism
of the Brownian sheet (Khoshnevisan and Xiao, 2004).
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Pages: 817-843
Published on: September 19, 2006
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