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 Electronic Journal of Probability > Vol. 6 (2001) > Paper 6 open journal systems 

Strict Inequality for Phase Transition between Ferromagnetic and Frustrated Systems

Emilio De Santis, University of Roma "La Sapienza"

We consider deterministic and disordered frustrated systems in which we can show some strict inequalities with respect to related ferromagnetic systems. A case particularly interesting is the Edwards-Anderson spin-glass model in which it is possible to determine a region of uniqueness of the Gibbs measure, which is strictly larger than the region of uniqueness for the related ferromagnetic system. We analyze also deterministic systems with |JB |  in   [JA, JB], where 0< JA le JB < infty , for which we prove strict inequality for the critical points of the related FK model. The results are obtained for the Ising models but some extensions to Potts models are possible.

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Pages: 1-27

Published on: February 7, 2001

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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489