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Random Walks on Groups and Monoids with a Markovian Harmonic Measure
Mairesse Jean, CNRS - Universite Paris 7 |
We consider a transient nearest neighbor random walk on a group G
with finite set of generators S.
The pair (G,S) is assumed to admit a natural notion of
normal form words where only the last letter is
modified by multiplication by a generator.
The basic examples are the free products of a finitely generated free
group and a finite family of finite
groups, with natural generators.
We prove that the harmonic measure is Markovian of a particular
type. The transition matrix is entirely determined by the initial
distribution which is itself the unique solution of a finite set of
polynomial equations of degree two. This enables
to efficiently compute the drift, the entropy, the probability of ever
hitting an element, and the minimal
positive harmonic functions of the walk. The results extend to
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Pages: 1417-1441
Published on: December 16, 2005
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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489 |