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Post-gelation behavior of a spatial coagulation model
Wolfgang Wagner, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics |
A coagulation model on a finite spatial grid is considered.
Particles of discrete masses jump randomly between sites
and, while located at the same site,
stick together according to some
coagulation kernel. The asymptotic behavior (for increasing
particle numbers) of this model is studied in the situation
when the coagulation kernel grows sufficiently fast so that the
phenomenon of gelation is observed.
Weak accumulation points of an appropriate sequence
of measure-valued processes
are characterized in terms of solutions of a nonlinear equation.
A natural description of the behavior of the gel is obtained
by using the one-point compactification of the size space.
Two aspects of the limiting equation are of special interest.
First, for a certain class of coagulation kernels,
this equation differs from a naive extension of
Smoluchowski's coagulation equation.
Second, due to spatial
inhomogeneity, an equation for the time evolution
of the gel mass density has to be added.
The jump rates are assumed to vanish with increasing particle
masses so that the gel is immobile. Two different
gel growth mechanisms (active and passive gel)
are found depending on the type of the coagulation kernel.
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Pages: 893-933
Published on: October 18, 2006
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