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Symmetric and centered binomial approximation of sums of locally dependent random variables
Adrian Roellin, University of Oxford |
Stein's method is used to approximate sums of discrete and locally dependent
random variables by a centered and symmetric binomial distribution, serving as a
natural alternative to the normal distribution in discrete settings. The bounds
are given with respect to the total variation and a local limit metric. Under
appropriate smoothness properties of the summands, the same order of accuracy as
in the Berry-Essen Theorem is achieved. The approximation of the total number of
points of a point processes is also considered. The results are applied to the
exceedances of the $r$-scans process and to the Mat'ern hardcore point process
type I to obtain explicit bounds with respect to the two metrics.
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Pages: 756-776
Published on: May 6, 2008
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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489 |