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Random Walks On Finite Groups With Few Random Generators
Igor Pak, Yale University |
Let $G$ be a finite group. Choose a set $S$ of size $k$
uniformly from $G$ and consider a lazy random walk
on the corresponding Cayley graph. We show that for
almost all choices of $S$ given $k = 2,a log_2 |G|$, $a>1$,
this walk mixes in under
$m = 2,a logfrac{a}{a-1} log |G|$ steps.
A similar result was obtained earlier by Alon and Roichman
and also by Dou and Hildebrand
using a different techniques.
We also prove that when sets are of size
$k = log_2 |G| + O(log log |G|)$, $m = O(log^3 |G|)$ steps
suffice for mixing of the corresponding symmetric lazy random walk.
Finally, when $G$ is abelian we obtain better bounds in both
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Pages: 1-11
Published on: November 11, 1998
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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489 |