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Complex determinantal processes and H1 noise
Brian Rider, University of Colorado, Boulder Balint Virag, University of Toronto |
For the plane, sphere, and hyperbolic plane we
consider the canonical invariant determinantal point
processes with intensity ρ dν, where ν is the
corresponding invariant measure. We show that as ρ
converges to infinity, after centering, these processes
converge to invariant H1 noise. More precisely, for all
functions f in the intersection of H1(ν) and L1(ν) the
distribution of ∑ f(z) - ρ/π ∫ f dν converges
to Gaussian with mean 0 and variance given by ||f||_H1^2/
(4 π).
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Pages: 1238-1257
Published on: October 9, 2007
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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489 |