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De Finetti's-type results for some families of non identically distributed random variables
Ricardo Vélez Ibarrola, Statistics Department. UNED, Madrid, Spain Tomás Prieto-Rumeau, Statistics Department. UNED, Madrid, Spain |
We consider random selection processes of weighted elements in an arbitrary set. Their conditional distributions are shown to be a generalization of the hypergeometric distribution, while the marginal distributions can always be chosen as generalized binomial distributions. Then we propose sufficient conditions on the weight function ensuring that the marginal distributions are necessarily of the generalized binomial form. In these cases, the corresponding indicator random variables are conditionally independent (as in the classical De Finetti theorem) though they are neither exchangeable nor identically distributed.
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Pages: 72-86
Published on: January 19, 2009
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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489 |